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PM’s China visit: A watershed moment in Indo-China relations

India and China are one of the most powerful nations and the largest economies. The Indian PM’s visit to China enhanced the relationship and operation between the two countries. It was an attempt to impede conflicts between the two countries. The two countries have been having a dispute for a long time. The relationship has been deteriorating for a decade or a half. The mechanism has been implemented to solve the dispute between the two countries. This visit of India’s PM would have been a water-shedding moment. The Indian government had pursued a blended approach to connecting China and competing with it.  

Future of India-Japan relations 

The relationship between India and Japan has a long history. India and Japan’s diplomatic relationship was first established on 28 April 1952. 

Japan India relations have been the backbone of the economic partnership. After the special strategy and global partnership between the two countries, India-Japan relations elevated. The trade evaluation between the two countries has crossed 12 billion. The future of India-Japan relations looks promising. India experts close to 4 billion worth of goods and services to Japan. And India’s imports from Japan are around 8 million. Japan invested 5 trillion yen (40 billion) in India for the next five years. Japan’s involvement in Indian companies will be a good advantage for the future of India -Japan’s relationship. Japan has collaborated with India for Mumbai-Ahmedabad high-speed metros. Japan’s president Kishida appreciated the relationship between India and Japan. Kishida, in his speech, talks about the future of India-Japan relations and believes the ties are very bright. Shared values and future interests between the two nations have brightened the future relationship between Japan and India. Economic relations with Japan have increased and also deepened. India was the 18th largest trading partner for Japan in 2020. Japan’s interest in India has increased, and they have planted their 1,455 companies in India. 

India Japan economic relations

Japan and India are Asia’s two major democratic countries. India-Japan economic relations completed 70 years in 2022. This relationship has seen distinctive phases between them. However, the binding factor has been the economic relationship between India and Japan. It was an economic factor that evolved between both countries. Before the world war, India was a capital supplier of raw materials to Japan. After India’s independence, India’s first prime minister remarked that the economic relationship between both countries would be complementary. 

During the Cold War phase between the two countries, the economic relationship between the countries did not collapse. India remained a resource supplier. The Special Economic Partnership Initiative (SEPI)

which was signed when the Japanese president visited India in 2006. After the SEPI agreement, the Freight Corridor West project was developed. The infrastructure projects made growth in 2012. The Freight corridor between Mumbai and Delhi was completed in 2017. India has been a marginal trade partner for Japan. The India-Japan economic relations has been improving in recent years. 

Analysing the relationship between India and Russia. 

The India-Russia relationship has been built on five major factors:-

  • Politics

  • Defence

  • Nuclear energy

  • Anti-terrorism

  • Space 

In recent times, both countries have been focusing on the sixth factor, reaching 30 billion dollars in bilateral trade. India is the largest market for Russia in the defence industry. In 2007, 68% of India’s military hardware came from Russia. The India-Russia relationship has been a long-standing relationship since the signing of the “Declaration of India Russia strategic partnership” in 2000. Analysing the relationship between India and Russia in terms of security, politics, defence, trade, economy, and technology has been a primary goal for Indian and Russian officials. The annual Summit meeting between India and Russia is the highest institutionalised mechanism of the relationship between India and Russia. India-Russia relation has expanded as the military-technical operation has grown from a buyer-seller relationship to a joining operation, researching and producing advanced technology.  

Some of the defence programmes between India and Russia are:-

  • Brahmos missile programme 

  • 5th generation fighter jet imported from Russia. 

  • HAL transport aircraft.

The two countries hope to increase the trade to 30 billion dollars in bilateral trade by 2025. The 2014 joint statement issued by India and Russia revealed their strategies for working together in sectors like energy, technology, and innovation. Some of the ideas which had the participation of both the countries are oil, gas, petrochemical, and power plant projects. India-Russia relations saw an upward surge after they participated in developing fields like space, defence, IT, and high techniques centres.  


India and China are one of the most powerful nations and the largest economies. The Indian PMs’ visit to China enhanced the relationship between the two countries. It was an attempt to order conflicts between the two countries. 

The relationship between India and Japan has a long history. Japan invested 40billion for the next five years in India. Japan’s involvement in Indian industries will evolve the technologies. 

India and Russia’s relations have been built on five factors politics, defence, nuclear energy, anti-terrorism, and space. The annual summit is the highest institutionalised mechanism of the relation between Russia and India. 


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