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Overview of Some Interesting Facts about Gujarat

The note is all about some interesting facts about Gujarat. This note will include various facts, like food, historical, cultural, and festive facts about the state.

Like all India’s other places, states, and territories, Gujarat also has some unique facts. For example, they have different food habits; there are many historical facts about Gujarat, different languages, different dressing scenes, and different festivals.

There are some unique places in Gujarat, which also are the point of attraction. In addition, people living in Gujarat also have some unique cultures and dance forms.

The 5th largest state by area in India has some uniqueness on its own to make you amazed. Let’s be amazed by knowing some facts about the state of Gujarat.

Interesting Facts about Gujarat

Gujarat is the 5th largest state of India by area and the 9th largest by population.

The capital of the state is Gandhinagar.

The official language of the state is Gujarati.

This state is on the western side of India.

This state has the Western Coastal line of the country with the Arabian Sea – This is the most extensive seashore in the other states.

Gujarat has the largest vast area network, and the whole state has electricity.

The world’s most enormous ship scrapyard is in this state.

Statue of unity, a 182 metres long statue, is there in the state of Gujarat.

Food Facts

Gujarat has its cuisine and unique food habits and ingredients like other states of India. But unlike the people of other states, the Gujarati cuisine menu starts with a sweet dish, that may be Kesari or any other famous dessert.

Also, this state eats more bread-like food items, and they use a lot of besan in their food items. The other fact about Gujarati food is that it is almost vegetarian.

Historical facts about Gujarat

Among many historical facts about Gujarat, some areL

  • Gujarat is the state where the nation’s father, Mahatma Gandhi, was born

  • Surat was where the British East India Company came for the first time

  • In Gujrat, the first cotton mill was established, and the cotton industry flourished from Gujrat

  • The white revolution or the milk base revolution of India took place in Gujarat where the famous dairy brand Anand Milk Union Limited or AMUL has been set up in this state and is the biggest dairy in Asia

  • The famous Dandi of Gandhiji’s Dandi march is located in Gujarat

  • Lothal was the first port city of India which was in Gujarat

  • Gujarat was the main centre of the Indus valley civilisation

Geographical Facts

  1. Geographically, Gujarat is a vital state in India. In the national park of Geer, in Gujarat, the only Lion reserve can be experienced.

  2. Jamnagar refinery is the largest oil refinery in the world. And more than 60% of petrochemical products in India come from this state.

  3. Jewel Of West is what the name of the state locally means.

  4. This state has the largest district in India, known as Kachchh.

  5. The Rann of Kachchh is the largest salt desert in the world.

  6. Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat, is the greenest. No other capital city in Asia is as green as Gandhinagar. Half of the city is covered by greens.

Festive Facts and Facts about the Gujarati culture

Gujarat is also famous for its festivals. This state has some unique festivals not only in India but also in the world.

For example, every year, the state of Gujarat organises an international kite festival.

Not only this, the yearly organised rann festival, also known as kutch rann Utsav, is one of the most famous festivals in Gujarat and one of the most fantastic attractions throughout the world.

  • The dance forms, known as Garba and dandiya, are the most famous dances in the state, and these are to be performed in front of God and Goddess during puja

  • Gujaratis believe in puja, and their culture is worship-oriented, they have many pujas during the whole year, and the dances are one mandatory part of those pujas

  • Gujarat is a state of a secular country with people of almost all religions who celebrate Ramadan and Eid, along with Christmas.

  • Bhavnagar district of Gujarat has a record of 900 Jain temples

The Lost City

This is one of the historical facts about Gujarat. Almost 12000 years ago, a city named Dwarka was there in Gujrat. This was a coastal city. For a story, it is the city of Lord Krishna.

He spent most of his life’s life in this particular city. This city has been proved to be over there for years after having many underwater explorations and excavations. This city is known as a lost city.

If Gujarat were a nation, it would be the 67th most prosperous country globally, with its GDP, business, and other factors.


Gujarat, a state of India, has many factors; it has factors related to food; there are some historical facts about Gujarat. Also, there are some cultural and festive facts about Gujarat. But, along with all these, Gujarat has some facts related to unique records, which are always more attractive to people worldwide.

Some facts like the lost city or the centre of the Indus valley civilization can always amaze people with their values. As Gujarat is the only natural habitat of Lions, except in Africa, it is vital to save them and their habitat zone.


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