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Major Rivers in Madhya Pradesh

Narmada is one of the major rivers of Madhya Pradesh. Read this article to learn more about the major rivers of MP, and the map of Narmada.

Madhya Pradesh is a state located in the north-central part of India, covering around 3,08,245 square km of area. It is a state with a subtropical climate. Several Indian rivers flow through Madhya Pradesh. It is one of India’s major river basins. Narmada, one of the major rivers of India, flows through Madhya Pradesh as well.

The major river basins of Madhya Pradesh are Narmada, Godavari, Mahi, Ganga, and Tapti. Rivers flowing from east to west of Madhya Pradesh are Narmada, Mahi and Tapti. Kali Sindh, Chambal, Parbati, Dhasan, Ken, Sind, Kuno, Shipra, and Betwa are the rivers draining into the Ganga basin while flowing from south to north. 

The river Son which originates from Madhya Pradesh, is the largest tributary from the south into the Ganga. The Pench, the Kanhan, the Wainganga, the Wardha, and Penganga rivers fall into the Godavari. 


The river Narmada is the fifth-largest river in India and is the largest river in Madhya Pradesh. It is one of the largest river basins in the state and begins from the Amarkantak plateau, located in the Anuppur district. 

Narmada is also known as the lifeline of Madhya Pradesh as 1,077 km of its total length of 1,312 km lies in Madhya Pradesh. While flowing, it passes through three states, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and parts of Maharashtra. 

It progresses from east to west and finally falls in the Gulf of Khambhat (Gujarat). It has 41 tributaries, and 29 major hydropower projects built using Narmada dams are associated with it. 

For reference, the map of the Narmada river is attached below:

In the above map of the Narmada river, we can spot a Narmada dam known as Sardar Sarovar Dam (Narmada Dam). It was built in the Narmada district of Gujarat. The dam was built for solving many issues, yet it still has many unresolved ones. It is the third-highest concrete dam situated in India. 


The river Tapti, aka Tapi, also flows from east to west, and its beginning has been spotted from Multai in the Betul district. It also falls in the Gulf of Khambhat, progressing through cities like Multai and Burhanpur. 

The length of the Tapti river is 724 km. The Tapti basin is the northernmost basin of the Deccan plateau and covers the states Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Gujarat. There are Kakrapar and Ukai hydropower projects based on the river Tapti. There is a belief that the river Tapti/Tapi has been named after the goddess Tapati (Surya’s daughter).


The river Chambal, previously known as Charmavati and Dermavati, originates from Janapao hills, Mhow, Indore. It is considered the largest river in the state after the river Narmada and has a length of 965 km. It is an essential tributary of the river Yamuna, and the tributaries of the river Chambal are Shipra, Banas, Kali Sindh, and Parvati. 

Due to gully erosion, river Chambal creates ravines in the north part of Madhya Pradesh that is still infamous for being the hiding place for dacoits. It is considered to be pollution-free. A joint hydroelectric project between Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh is based on the river. There are three river valley projects based on Chambal – Gandhi Sagar Dam, Jawahar Sagar Dam, and Rana Pratap Sagar Dam. River Chambal has its mentioned in ancient times and is a legendary river.


Betwa, an ancient name in Sanskrit ‘Vetravati’, has its origin in Kumara Village of Raisen, Vindhya Range. It flows through Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh with a length of 358 km and 232 km in both the states, respectively. 

The river Betwa meets the river Yamuna in the Hamirpur district of Uttar Pradesh. The river has three tributaries – Dhasan, Sindhu, and Beena. It is considered the fifth-largest river in the state and is known as the Ganga of Madhya Pradesh. One of the country’s first river link projects is the Ken-Betwa link. INS Betwa has been named in honour of the river by the Indian Navy.


The river Mahi begins from Minda Village, Madhya Pradesh. Progressing from Madhya Pradesh and the Vagad region of Rajasthan, it flows through Gujarat and then flows into the Arabian Sea. It is approximately 580 km long. Kadana Dam, Wanakbori Dam, and Banswara Dam are the three dams associated with the river. 


The river Son, aka Sonbhadra and Swarna, has a disputed origin as its headwaters are spread over a large area, but it is believed to begin from Amarkantak Plateau like the river Narmada. The river is considered an important river of India and an important (second largest) tributary of the Ganga. It is a 784 km-long river coursing through the states of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Bihar. The main tributaries of the river are North Koel, Kanhar and Rihand. The sand of river Son is famous across India.


The maximum number of rivers across the country passes through Madhya Pradesh, and the Vindhyachal Range acts as a water divide. The Narmada, Chambal, Ken, Betwa, Son, Mahi, and many more flow through the state, making it one of India’s major river basins. 

The rivers flowing in the state are mostly perennial rivers. Narmada and Tapti originate from Madhya Pradesh and directly fall into the sea. The rivers of Madhya Pradesh are the tributaries of important rivers of India, and the state is considered the motherland of rivers. One of the first river link projects, the Ken-Betwa link, is associated with the rivers of Madhya Pradesh. 


Frequently asked questions

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Name the major rivers of Madhya Pradesh.

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From where does the river Tapti originate?

Ans. The river Tapti begins from Multai in Betul district, ie, near the Satpura range.

Which river is known as the Ganga of Madhya Pradesh?

Ans. The river Betwa is known as the Ganga of Madhya Pradesh.