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List of Longest Rivers in the World

Are you keen to know about the longest rivers in the world? If yes, then read more and know about rivers in detail.

Rivers are described as a huge, natural stream of fresh water that flows into an ocean or other major body of water and is supplied by smaller streams known as tributaries that enter it along its path. Like all flowing bodies of water, Rivers are dynamic and vary with the passage of water. 

Some of the changes are spatial, such as changes in space or location along a river. Some of the changes are temporal and related to time, particularly the year’s season. 

Some changes happen quickly, while others unfold over time. Humans are responsible for some developments.

Examples of some rivers- 

The Nile River in Africa, The Ganga River in India, The Narmada River in India, The Amazon River in South America, The Yangtze River in China, The Mississippi River in the United States, etc., are some examples of rivers.

A river consists of 3 sections- 

The Upper Course: It is closest to the source of the river.

The Middle Course: It is where the pace of the river slows down.

The Lower Course: It is the end of a river where It empties itself in a larger water body.

The Longest River in the World

The Nile is the longest river in the World. 

Source of the Nile River- Blue and White Nile River.

The mouth of the Nile River- Mediterranean Sea.

Countries through which the Nile River flows- Egypt, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, and South Sudan.

Cities through which the Nile River flows- Giza, Cairo, Aswan, Juba, Khartoum, etc.

Length of the Nile River- 6650 kilometres.

The Nile River flows for around 4132 miles starting from the Southern part of Africa to the Northern part of Africa. While its course, it also covers parts of Eastern Parts of Africa. This river empties itself in the Mediterranean Sea.

This river played a very important role for the Egyptian Civilization to flourish. The white, blue and Atbara are the three main tributaries of the Nile River.

Due to periodic flooding, the Nile River has an abundant quantity of soil rich in nutrients and Silt. The Nile delta region is suitable for harvesting flax, wheat, cotton, beans, etc. Papyrus is also a common and famous crop that finds itself an ideal growing location.

Today 95% of Egypt is irrigated by the Nile River, using canals. This helps the cities to perform recreational activities like fishing and agriculture for their food and source of income. The Nile River also plays an important role in trade, connecting Africa with markets in Europe and beyond Europe.

The Largest River in the World

Source of the Amazon River- The Mantaro River.

The mouth of the Amazon River- The Atlantic Ocean.

Countries through which the Amazon River mainstem flows- Brazil, Columbia, Peru.

Countries through which the tributaries flow before forming the Amazon river- Ecuador, Venezuela, and Bolivia.

Cities through which the Amazon River flows- Manaus, Macapá, Leticia, Iquitos, Santarém, etc.

Length of the Amazon River- 6400 kilometres.

The Amazon River is considered the largest river and the largest irrigation system based on the Basin’s size, volume, and area. The Amazon River flows for about 4000 miles by starting itself high up in the Andes Mountain Range.

The drainage area of the Amazon River in Brazil is called the Amazon River Basin, which is the largest on Earth. If the Basin were a country, it would have been more than twice the area of India.

The water of the Amazon River has rich wildlife surrounding it, in the Amazon Forests surrounding the river. This river is also home to the marine life of various kinds. The River Dolphin, Boto is also a species of marine life spotted.

The mischievous carnivorous fish, the Piranha, is a resident in the waters of this river. Especially the Red Belly Piranha. Cassava, upland rice and a lesser quantity of corn and maize are also cultivated on small plantations around the river basin.

Slash and burn agriculture methods are practised by the tribal inhabitants around the Amazon basin. After they clear and burn some trees in the forest, they grow most of their food in small areas.

Heavy rains and high temperatures determine the climate of the jungle. These forests are so massive that scientists believe they play an essential role in climate regulation. Forest destruction is thought to contribute to global warming as people clear land for farming and firms harvest trees for lumber.

The Amazon River has been home to a diverse range of Indian tribes, many of which have an extensive understanding of the rainforest’s rich and complicated ecosystem. Unfortunately, as the forest changes due to settlement, these cultural groups change as well, and the lessons learned over thousands of years of living in the rainforest are at risk of being lost.


Water is the basic element of survival for mankind. Without water, life is pretty much impossible. Therefore, an individual must know the importance of rivers and water bodies surrounding him and their role in the irrigation and drainage system around the city, country or continent.


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