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Learn everything About ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)

Indian Space Research Organisation, or ISRO, is an important space research institute in India. It plays a significant role in the overall growth and development of the nation through educational, agricultural, communication, and defence sector projects. Founded in 1969, ISRO is the biggest space agency. The ISRO headquarters is located in Bengaluru, India. It is responsible for developing an indigenous Indian space program. According to the reports, ISRO is the world’s 6th largest space agency. 

ISRO has set up remote sensing and communication satellites to meet the growing needs of the people through a network of offices, research institutes, and centres in several parts of the country. Some major functions of the Indian Space Research Organisation are in the following areas: weather forecasting, broadcasting, disaster management, navigation, geographic information systems, telemedicine, distance education satellites, cartography (maps), and so on. 

There are several organisations working for Space Research in India. Today, in this article, you will read about the Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO in detail. So, without any further ado, let’s get started with a quick note on ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)

Formation of ISRO and ISRO history

  • The Indian National Committee for Space Research, also called INCOSPAR, came into existence in 1962 under the DAE or the Department of Atomic Energy. It was established by the then and the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru. 
  •  Dr Vikram Sarabhai, an eminent scientist, played a significant role in this development. He understood the urgency to set up a space research institution. Along with this team, he was convinced that it would contribute to the country’s growth in the long run. 
  • The Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station, or TERLS, was set up at Thumba. The place is close to Thiruvananthapuram, India. It is a spaceport from where the rockets are launched. 
  • Later, in 1969, ISRO replaced INCOSPAR. 
  • In 1972, the space department was established, and ISRO successfully became a part of it. It has the power to report straight to the Prime Minister of India. 
  • During 1975-76, the SITE or Satellite Instructional Television Experiment was conducted. It evolved as the world’s biggest sociological experiment, followed by KCP or Kheda Communications Project. The project worked as a field laboratory for locale-specific and need-based program transmission in Gujarat, India.  
  • At this time, Aryabhata, the first-ever Indian aircraft, was launched using the Soviet Launcher. 
  • Another important thing was the development of SLV-3, the first launch vehicle. It has the capacity of placing 40 kg in LEO or Low Earth Orbit. It had its first-ever successful flight in the year 1980. 

There are many facilities under ISRO. Each of these is dedicated to some of the other specialised fields of space study. They are:

  • Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre or VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram, India – All the space research-related activities in India were initiated under Dr Vikram Sarabhai. During the 1960s, he was the Indian space program’s founding father.
  • Satish Dhawan Space Centre or SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota, India.
  • Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre or LPSC, Thiruvananthapuram, India. 
  • National Remote Sensing Centre or NRSC, Hyderabad, India 
  • Space Applications Centre or SAC, Ahmedabad, India.

ISRO Vision and Objective 

Founded in 1969, ISRO is the biggest space agency headquartered in Bengaluru, India. ISRO’s vision is to harness space technology for the development of the nation while giving enough attention to planetary exploration and pursuing space science research. Its vision includes:

  • Designing and developing launch vehicles and other related technologies to provide access to space. 
  • Designing and developing satellites and other related technologies for earth communication, observation, meteorology, navigation, and space science.
  • Launching the INSAT or Indian National Satellite program to meet telecommunication, television broadcasting, and developmental applications.
  • IRS or Indian Remote Sensing Satellite to manage natural resources of the country. It is also responsible for monitoring the environment with the help of space-based imagery.
  • Development of Space-based Applications for the growth and development of Indian society. 
  • Counting through research and development in the field of planetary exploration and space science. 
  • It is responsible for developing an indigenous Indian space program.


In this topic, we studied ISRO in detail. ISRO was founded in 1969. It is the biggest space agency headquartered in Bengaluru, India. When it comes to the overall growth and development of the nation through educational, agricultural, communication, and defence sector projects, ISRO plays a significant role. It is responsible for performing functions in different fields of life. 

Some of these include weather forecasting, broadcasting, disaster management, navigation, geographic information systems, telemedicine, distance education satellites, cartography (maps), and so on. The then and the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, established the Indian National Committee for Space Research, also called INCOSPAR, in 1962 under DAE or the Department of Atomic Energy. Later, in 1969, ISRO replaced INCOSPAR. A quick note on ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) must have helped you understand the institute better.


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