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Learn About the Significance of SCO

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is a Eurasian organisation that focuses on economic, political, and military landscapes in the region. The importance of the SCO lies in its strategic geography and member countries.

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a Eurasian economic, political and military organisation. It began as the Shanghai Five in 1996 and was founded by the leaders of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. In 2001, the Shanghai five was rechristened as the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation due to the accession of Uzbekistan. The SCO entered into force on 19 September 2003. India and Pakistan became members of SCO in 2017. Iran also started full accession as a member and joined in September 2021.

The role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is in enhancing and maintaining peace, security, and stability in the Eurasian region. The SCO is seen as a counterweight to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Due to its geographical significance, the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is strategic in limiting American influence in Central Asia.

Operations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

  • The importance of the SCO lies in its operations across Central Asia. Initially, that is in circa 2003, and further, it focused on reciprocating efforts in order to curb separatism, terrorism, and extremism within the regions of Central Asia. 

  • After a few more years, around 2006, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation widened its agenda to include battling the use of drug trafficking as a source of global finance internationally. 

  • When Afghanistan was dealing with instability in 2008, SCO actively participated in regaining stability in the region. 

  • Simultaneously, the SCO also dabbled into economic activities. 

  • In 2003, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s member states signed a 20-year Schedule of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation for the establishment of a free trade zone within the Central Asian region, specifically within the territory of the member countries. 

Global Significance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

  • The importance of SCO lies in the fact that it covers around 40% of the world’s population, almost 20% of the world’s GDP, and 22% of the global landmass. It includes some of the world’s leading energy-rich nations.

  • Since its inception less than two decades ago, the SCO has established itself as a key organisation in the Eurasian space and controls over 60% of the Eurasian territory. 

  • By 2007, the SCO had managed to initiate over twenty large-scale projects related to energy, telecommunications, and transportation. 

  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation consolidates the world’s four nuclear powers – Russia, China, India, and Pakistan into a single regional organisation. This establishes a source of balance for power and political instability globally. 

Significance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation for India

Provided the increasing influence of SCO in the Eurasian region, India can benefit in the long term by associating itself with the SCO and its areas of interest for national benefits.

  • Strategic Balance

    1. For India, the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation can be catalytic to achieve regional integration with other Asian countries and achieve stability across borders. SCO can also promote better connectivity across its area. 

    2. Given India’s decline in engagement with the SAARC, BBIN, and RCEP, India can benefit from improving trade, energy, and transportation through SCO.

  • Security concerns

    1. Since SCO has now started dabbling into drug trafficking control, India can use this influence to work on anti-drug trafficking measures and also tackle arms control.

    2. The SCO has a strong stance on terrorism and has been actively involved in bringing back stability in Afghanistan. 

    3. Now that the Western forces have been withdrawn from these regions and there is a rise in extremist religious forces, specifically the Islamic State, there is a concern of national security and terrorism that can be addressed through other member nations of the SCO.

  • Deal with Pakistan & China

    1. Through the SCO, India can independently engage with China and Pakistan peacefully in a forum and discuss its security concerns.

    2. This also allows India to engage with China and Pakistan without the intervention of Western states.

  • Strengthen ties with Russia

Russia and China are the leading member nations of the SCO. TIndia can deepen its ties and relationship with Russia through this platform, again without Western intervention.

  • Connect with other Asian nations

  1. SCO is a very convenient channel for India to re-establish its relationship with neighbouring countries, especially on the basis of shared heritage and civilizational ties.

  2. India can also significantly capitalise on the concerns raised by Russia over the growing Chinese dominance of Asian nations.


The SCO holds great significance from a global point of view as it groups the Asian nations together and allows them to communicate and strategize without the intervention of Western nations. For India, the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in improving connectivity with Russia, China, and other Asian nations can be pertinent. India can capitalize significantly and use the influence of the SCO to manage security, terrorism, drugs, and political concerns. 


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