
To understand the deeper meaning of the invention, one has to look out for the amazing scientific inventions around us that have made our lives easier. Know more in detail.


There have been many amazing inventions throughout history that have changed the world. Some have made our lives easier, while others have made us more efficient. In this post, we will discuss 10 of the most impactful inventions that have shaped our world today. From the printing press to the internet, these inventions have revolutionised the way we live and work!

What are Inventions?

The meaning of an invention is the creation of a new product, system or process. It can be an improvement to an existing item or something that has never existed before. To be considered novel and thus patented, the invention must have four qualities: it must be useful, non-obvious (not obvious to someone who knows what they are doing), described in complete detail so another person could make/use it and not previously made public. Many great inventions were discovered by people trying to solve a problem they had encountered in their everyday lives. These problems may not seem important but once solved can change the world forever! Some other examples include things like cars which started as horse-drawn carriages until Henry Ford came up with his ideas for mass production using assembly lines at Ford Motor Company in 1903.

10 Amazing Inventions That Changed the World

  1. The wheel was invented by the Sumerians around 3500 BCE. The wheel has been used in many different ways over its long history from carts and chariots to clocks and bicycles! Today it is still one of our most important tools for transportation, but not without some controversy about how much power should be given to cars or bikes vs public transit (subways/buses).
  2. The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440 CE. The printing press allowed for the mass production of books and made learning accessible to everyone! It also helped spread ideas faster than ever before with newspapers, magazines or even pamphlets like Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, published in January 1776.
  3. The fire had been used as early as 400 000 years ago but it wasn’t until the invention of matches that we could easily light fires whenever needed. Matches were patented in 1826 by John Walker who discovered a way to make phosphorus from urine mixed with sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) – this solution would then react chemically when struck against sandpaper so there was no need for flintstones anymore!
  4. The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. The invention of the lightbulb made it possible to work at night and led directly to other inventions such as electric motors for machinery or even computers (first developed around 1950). Many people believe that if we had not learned how to make electricity then there would never have been any progress towards industrialization because we wouldn’t have known what power meant.
  5. Electricity did not come about until Benjamin Franklin flew his kite experimentally – this showed that lightning could be controlled through conductive objects like metal rods placed on top of buildings so people could feel safe inside during storms without fear of being struck by a bolt from above! It also helped us develop new technologies like cars which use battery packs instead of gasoline-powered engines.
  6. The computer was invented by Charles Babbage in 1822. The computer has helped us with many tasks like calculating numbers, storing information or even just browsing the internet! It also led directly to other inventions such as televisions and radios that would not exist without them.
  7. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell around 1876 CE. This invention allowed people to communicate over long distances for cheaper than ever before! It also made communication more personal because you could hear your friend’s voice instead of reading their letters.
  8. The radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895 CE. The radio helped us communicate with people all over the world without having to be in the same room! It also made it possible for us to listen to music, news or even sports from anywhere.
  9. The television was invented by John Logie Baird in 1926 CE. The television helped us communicate with people all over the world without having to be in the same room! It also made it possible for us to listen to music, news or even sports from anywhere.
  10. The car was invented by Karl Benz around 1886 CE. Cars became increasingly available to the rich during the twentieth century, and one of the most popular and first cars to be available to the masses was the 1908 Model T that the Ford company made. 


    While we may never know the true inventors of some of these items, their impact on society is undeniable. Each of these inventions has shaped the way we live today and continue to change the world as we know it. They have not only made our lives easier and more convenient but have also played a pivotal role in actually facilitating the growth and development of us as a species.