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Interesting Facts About The Exhibition Industry

The article looks at interesting facts about the exhibition industry and its current state. Learn about its history, importance, benefits, important facts, etc.

History of Exhibition

Exhibitions have been part of many cultures and civilisations throughout history. Ancient Rome had trade shows, as did early Chinese emperors throughout the Zhou Dynasty (1046 BCE-256 BCE). 

In ancient Egypt, it was common to exhibit items in temples, tents on temple grounds. Meanwhile, in 17th century Amsterdam, King Charles-I held massive exhibitions, showing his latest technological developments to Creole merchants during the Dutch East India Company’s trading ventures in the Far East. 

The earliest modern exhibitions were held for public view in London, France, and Germany from the 1840s to 1900s by business associations who recognised exhibiting as a way to promote ideas or products. 

The origins of the modern exhibition can be traced back to the Great Exhibition of 1851, organised by Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria, in the Crystal Palace in London. The exhibition was a huge success, attracting over 6 million visitors.

Therefore, the concept of the modern exhibition is closely linked to the idea of the Great Exhibition of 1851.

The first permanent exhibition in the United Kingdom was The Great Exhibition, which opened in 1851 in London’s newly built Royal Albert Hall. The exhibition, which was attended by some 25 million people over six months, was sponsored by Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and the Duke of Edinburgh.

Why exhibitions are important

An exhibition and trade show is a place for companies to talk with each other and customers—attendees at this type of event walk through booths looking for products that meet their needs. 

Exhibitions and trade shows are where commerce can happen privately between manufacturers, distributors (or sales reps), retailers, or individuals who want the best deal on products they are interested in. That is why exhibitions are important.

There’s no denying that the exhibition industry is booming. In recent years, it’s been one of the fastest-growing sectors, with new events happening frequently. So what is the exhibition industry, and what are some interesting facts about the exhibition industry? Let’s check.

Exhibits can be sold in various ways, including through presentation setups or by being loaned out for use by others.

Benefits of Exhibiting

Exhibiting offers your business unique benefits that no other form of marketing can match. These benefits of exhibiting can transform your business to great heights by showcasing the brand to meet more sales with the help of an exhibition. 

  • Network with hundreds of business professionals and potential new clients under a single roof.
  • Develop new sales leads and attract motivated buyers from specific industries (e.g., poultry and livestock, publishing, textiles).
  • Introduce and demonstrate new products and technology to thousands of new buyers on the most visible platform.
  • Bring your business face to face with decision makers.
  • Differentiate your company from your competition and increase your knowledge of consumer demands.
  • Find partners to accelerate your business.

Exhibitions are likely to attract a large number of industry experts and rivals. Attending exhibitions is an excellent chance to better grasp the industry’s current and future trends.

If you’re thinking of exhibiting your business, then hopefully, the given list has helped you see the opportunities to be gained from this unique form of marketing.

Because industries are constantly evolving due to various circumstances, trade exhibitions are an excellent location to learn about the current industry trends. During an exhibition’s quiet hours, look around to see if there are any possible new areas to expand into and if parts are in decline that may need to be revisited.

Interesting facts about the exhibition industry

  • The profits of The Great Exhibition in 1851 funded the three major museums in London today; Victoria and Albert Museum, Science Museum, and Natural History Museum.
  • The Hannover Messegelande in Germany is the largest venue for exhibitions in the world, with an area of just under 5,00,000 square metres.
  • Physicist Fredrick Bakewell conducted the first live product demonstration at an exhibition. He showcased the first fax machine.
  • 46% of people visit only one exhibition a year.
  • A brand’s perception falls by a whopping 5% by not attending a trade exhibition.
  • According to CEIR, 81% of trade exhibition visitors have purchasing authority. 
  • 78% of trade show visitors travel more than 400 miles to attend conferences or exhibitions. 


The exhibition industry is one of the oldest and most popular forms of marketing. It is a great way to reach out to many people and generate awareness about your brand or product. As the industry continues to grow, so does the need for accurate and reliable information about it. 

Hence, exhibitions are an excellent way to meet new firms and potential vendors. The opportunities may lead to the expansion of your supply chain or the acquisition of new providers in areas where you now lack a specific product. By reading this blog, you’ve obtained a comprehensive overview of the exhibition industry and also learnt some interesting facts about the exhibition industry.


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