Important Abbreviations

From a competitive exam perspective, one needs to learn the important abbreviations in order to ace in their exam. Go through this detailed list to know about the important abbreviations which could aid you.

Abbreviations are commonly required in the competitive exams but it takes a fair amount of time in order to search through the internet and find the right answer for the term a student is looking for. In the following list, almost all the important abbreviations that can be fruitful for a competitive exam aspirant, have been enlisted.

Abbreviations starting with the letter “A”:

  •  ADB: Asian Development Bank 
  •  ADR: American Depositary Receipt 
  •  AGM: Annual General Meeting 
  •  AIDWA: All India Democratic Women’s Association 
  •  AIT UC: All India Trade Union Congress 
  •  AMFI: Association of Mutual Funds in India
  •  APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 
  •  APL: Above Poverty Line 
  •  APM: Administered Pricing Mechanism 
  •  ARC: Asset Reconstruction Company 
  •  ARDR: Agricultural and Rural Debt Relief
  •  ASEAN: Association of South-East Asian Nations 
  •  ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode, Automated teller machine 
  •  AC Alternating Current 
  •  AG: Accountant General 
  •  AICC: All India Congress Committee 
  •  AIR: All India Radio 
  •  AM: Antemeridian 
  •  ARP: Air Raid Precaution 
  •  ABM: Anti Ballistic Missiles
  • ABVP: Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad 
  •  AC: Alternating Current; Ashoka Chakra 
  •  ACU: Asian Currency Union
  •  ADC: Aide-de-Camp; Access Deficit Charge 
  •  ADF: Asian Development Fund 
  •  ADIDAS: All Day I Dream about sports 
  •  ADS: Air Defence Ship 
  •  AG: Accountant General; Adjutant General  
  •  AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 
  •  AllMS: All India Institute of Medical Sciences 
  •  AIR: All India Radio; Annual Information Report 
  •  am: ante meridiem; before noon
  • AT&T: American telegraphic and Telephone Co. Ltd. 
  •  ATA: Air Time Authority; Allen Telescope Array 
  •  ATC: Air Traffic Controller 
  •  ATM: Automatic Teller Machine 
  •  ATR: Action Taken Report 
  •  ATV: Automatic Transfer Vehicle 
  •  AUDI : Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt 
  •  AUM: Assets Under Management 
  •  AVC: Army Veterinary Corps 
  •  AVM: Additional Volatility Margin 
  •  AWACS: Airborne Warning and Control System
  • ASCI: Advanced Strategic Computing Initiative 
  • ASCII: American Standard Code for Information

Abbreviations starting with the letter “B”:

  • BA: Bachelor of Arts 
  •  BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation 
  •  BC: Before Christ 
  •  BCG: Bacillus Calmette Guerin 
  •  BEd: Bachelor of Education 
  •  BSF: Border Security Force 
  •  BARC: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre 
  •  BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation 
  •  BC: Before Christ; Board of Control; British Columbia; Battery Commander
  • BSF: Border Security Force 
  •  BSNL: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd 
  •  BCBS: Basel committee for Banking Supervision 
  •  BCSBI: Banking Codes and Standards Board of India 
  •  BIFR: Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction 
  •  BIS: Bank for International Settlements, Bureau of Indian Standards 
  •  BOLT: BSE On-Line Trading (System) 
  •  BOP: Balance of Payments 
  •  BOT: Build, Operate and Transfer 
  •  BPL: Below Poverty Line 
  •  BPO: Business Process Outsourcing 
  •  BSCS: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 
  •  BSE: Bombay Stock Exchange 
  •  BSR: Basic Statistical Returns

Abbreviations starting with the letter “C”:

  • C & AG : Comptroller & Auditor General 
  •  CA: Chartered Accountant 
  •  CABE: Central Advisory Board of Education 
  •  CACP: Commission of Agriculture Cost and Price 
  •  CAD: Capital Account Deficit 
  •  CAG: Controller and Auditor General of India 
  •  CAPART: Council for People’s Action and Advancement of Rural Technology 
  •  CAR: Capital adequacy ratio 
  •  CARE: Credit Analysis & Research Ltd. 
  •  CBS: Core banking solution 
  •  CC: Cash Credit
  • COD: Central Ordnance Depot; Cash on Delivery 
  •  CPCB: Central Pollution Control Board 
  •  CPI: Communist Party of India 
  •  CPI(M): Communist Party of India (Marxists) 
  •  CPU: Central Processing Unit 
  •  CR: Central Railway 
  •  CRAC: Cyber Regulation Advisory Council 
  •  CRDi: Common Rail Direct injection 
  •  CRISIL: Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited 
  •  CRM: Customer Relationship Management 
  •  CRPF: Central Reserve Police Force 
  •  CRR: Cash Reserve Ratio 
  •  CSIR: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 
  •  CTBT: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 
  •  CTT: Commodities Transaction Tax 
  •  CVRDE: Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment

Abbreviations starting with the letter “D”:

  • DA: Dearness Allowance; Daily Allowance 
  •  DAP: Development Action Plan 
  •  DBOD: Department of Banking Operations and Development 
  •  DBS Bank Ltd: The Development Bank of Singapore Limited. 
  •  DCA: Department of Company Affairs 
  •  DCM: Department of Currency Management 
  •  DD: Demand Draft 
  •  DDS: Data Dissemination Standards 
  •  DICGC: Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India 
  •  DMA: Departmentalized Ministries Account 
  •  DMIC: Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor 
  •  DPEP: District Primary Education Program 
  •  DC: Direct Current 
  •  DDT: Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro-Ethane 
  •  DIR: Defence of India Rules Esq: Esquire 
  •  DLO: Dead Letter Office 
  •  DPI: Director of Public Instruction 
  •  DA: Dearness Allowance; Daily Allowance 
  •  DAVP: Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity
  • DDT: Dichloro-Diphenyl Trichloro-ethane (disinfectant) 
  •  DIN: Director Information Number 
  •  DM: District Magistrate; Deputy Minister 
  •  DMIC: Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor 
  •  DMK: Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (a regional political party of Tamil Nadu) 
  •  DNA: Deoxy-ribo Nucleic Acid 
  •  DO: Demi-official (letter) 
  •  DOD: Department of Ocean Development 
  •  DPEP: District Primary Education Programme 
  •  DPI: Director of Public Instruction 
  •  DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory 
  •  DRDO: Defence Research and Development Organisation 

Abbreviations starting with the letter “E”:

  • EDUSAT: Education Satellite 
  •  EEE: Exempt Exempt Exempt 
  •  EEFC Accounts: Exchange Earners Foreign Currency Account 
  •  EET: Exempt Exempt Taxation 
  •  EFA: Education for All 
  •  EFT: Electronic fund transfer 
  •  EGOM: Empowered Group of Ministers 
  •  EMI: Equated Monthly Instalment 
  •  EMS: European Monetary System 
  •  EPF: Employees Provident Fund 
  •  EPFO: Employees Provident Fund Organisation 
  •  ERNET: Educational and Research Network 
  •  ESA: European Space Agency 
  •  ESCAP: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacify 
  •  ESMA: Essential Services Maintenance Act
  •  EDUSAT: Education Satellite 
  •  EEG: Electro-encephalography 
  •  EET: Exempt Exempt Taxation 
  •  EFA: Education for All 
  •  EFF: Extended Fund Facility 
  •  EHTP: Electronic Hardware Technology Parks 
  •  ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immuno Solvent Assay (used for testing AIDS)

Abbreviations starting with the letter “F”:

  • FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation 
  •  FCCB: Foreign Currency Convertible Bond 
  •  FCNR: Foreign Currency (Non-Resident) Accounts Scheme 
  •  FCNR(B): Foreign Currency Currency Non-Repatriable (Banks) 
  •  FCNR(B) : Foreign Currency Non-resident (Banks) 
  •  FDI: Foreign Direct Investment 
  •  FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act 
  •  FERA: Foreign Exchange Regulations Act 
  •  FICCI: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry 
  •  FII: Foreign Institutional Investors 
  •  FIMMDA: Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India 
  •  FIPB: Foreign Investment Promotion Board (Of India) 
  •  FMCG: Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation (of the U.S.A.) 
  •  FCNR: Foreign Currency (non-resident) Accounts Scheme 
  •  FDR: Flight Data Recorder; Fixed Deposit Receipt 
  •  FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act 
  •  FERA: Foreign Exchange Regulations Act 
  •  FICCI: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry 
  •  FII: Foreign Institutional Investors 
  •  FIPB: Foreign Investment Promotion Board (of India) 
  •  FLAG: Fibre Optic Link Around the Globe 
  •  FM: Field Marshal; Frequency Modulated 
  •  FPSB: Financial Planning Standards Boards (India) 
  •  FRBM: Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management 
  •  FSSA: Food Safety and Standards Authority (of India) 

Abbreviations starting with the letter “G”:

  •  GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council 
  •  GDP: Gross Domestic Product 
  •  GEF: Global Environment Fund 
  •  GIC: General Insurance Corporation 
  •  GNP: Gross National Product 
  •  GOI: Government of India 
  •  GST: Goods and Service Tax 
  •  GK: General Knowledge 
  •  GMT: Greenwich Mean Time 
  •  GPF: General Post Office 
  •  GAGAN: GPS-aided Geo-augmented Navigation 
  • GIST: Graphics and Intelligence based Script Technology 
  •  GPS: Global Mobile Personal Communications System 
  •  GMRT: Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope 
  •  GMT: Greenwich Mean Time 
  •  GNP: Gross National Product 
  •  GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System 
  •  GOC: General Officer Commanding 
  •  GOOGLE: Global Organisation Of Oriented Group Language of Earth 
  •  GPO: General Post Office 
  •  GPRS: General Packet Radio System 
  •  GPS: Global Positioning System 
  •  GSLV: Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle 
  •  GSP: Generalised Special Preferences 
  •  GST: Goods and Service Tax 
  •  GSTP: Global System of Trade Preferences

Abbreviations starting with the letter “H”:

  • HDFC: Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited 
  •  HDI: Human Development Index 
  •  HSBC: Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 
  •  HUDCO: Housing & Urban Development Corporation 
  •  HMT: Hindustan Machine Tools 
  •  HP: Horse Power 
  •  HAWS: High Altitude Warfare School 
  •  HCF: Highest Common Factor 
  •  HDFC: Housing Development Finance Corporation 
  •  HDI: Human Development Index 
  •  HDTV: High Definition Television
  • HMS: Hybrid Mail Service 
  •  HP: Himachal Pradesh; Horizontal Plane; Horse Power 
  •  HTML: HyperText Markup Language 
  •  HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol 
  •  HUDCO: Housing and Urban Development Corporation 
  •  HVDC: High Voltage Direct Current

Abbreviations starting with the letter “I”:


  •  IAAI: International Airport Authority Of India 
  •  IAAS: Indian Audit and Accounts Service 
  •  IADF:  International Agricultural Development Fund 
  •  IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency 
  •  IASB: The International Accounting Standards Board 
  •  IBRD:  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
  •  ICAI: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India 
  •  ICAR: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  • IDBI: Industrial Development Bank of India 
  •  IDR: Indian Depository Receipts 
  •  IES: Indian Economic Service 
  •  IEX: Indian Energy Exchange 
  •  IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development 
  •  IFC: International Finance Corporation 
  •  IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standard 
  •  IFSC:  Indian Financial System Code 
  •  IFTU: International Federation of Trade Unions 
  • ISKCON: International Society for Krishna Consciousness 
  •  ISO: International Standardisation Organisation 
  •  ISP: Internet Service Provider 
  •  ISRO: Indian Space Research Organisation 
  •  ISS: International Space Station 
  •  IST: Indian Standard Time 


Abbreviations starting with the letter “J”:

  • JNNURM: Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission 
  •  JCO: Junior Commissioned Officer 
  •  JPC: Joint Parliamentary Committee 
  •  JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group 
  •  JWG: Joint Working Group

Abbreviations starting with the letter “K”:

  • Kg: Kilogramme 
  •  KG: Kindergarten 
  •  KPO: Knowledge Process Outsourcing 
  •  KPO: Knowledge Process Outsourcing 
  •  KVIC: Khadi & Village Industries Corporation 
  •  KYC: Know your customer

Abbreviations starting with the letter “L”:

  •  LBW: Leg Before Wicket Ltd-Limited 
  •  LMG: Light Machine Gun 
  •  LMP: Licentiate in the practice of Medicine 
  •  LAC: Line of Actual Control 
  •  LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 
  •  LCA: Light Combat Aircraft 
  •   LDC: Least Developed Countries 
  •   LHC: Large Hadron Collider 
  •  LIC: Life Insurance Corporation (of India) 
  •  LLP: Limited Liability Partnership 
  •  LML: Lohia Machines Limited 
  •  LOAC: Line of Actual Control 
  •  LTA: Light Transport Aircraft 
  •  LTTE : Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam 
  •  LAMPS: Large-sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies 
  •  LDC: Least Developed Countries 
  •  LIBOR: London Interbank Offer Rate 
  •  LIC: Life Insurance Corporation (Of India) 
  •  LLP: Limited Liability Partnership

Abbreviations starting with the letter “M”:

  • MA: Moving Average 
  •  MAIT: Manufacturers’ Association for Information Technology 
  •  MAT: Minimum Alternative Tax 
  •  MCA: Ministry of Company Affairs 
  •  MCAP: Market capitalization / Midcap 
  •  MDG: Millennium development goals 
  •  MEP: Minimum Export Price 
  •  MFA: Multi-Fiber Agreement 
  •  MFI: Microfinance institution 
  •  MFIN: Microfinance institution network 
  •  MFN: Most Favoured Nation 
  •  MGNREGA: National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 
  •  MIBOR: Mumbai Interbank offer rate
  •  MPEG: Motion Picture Experts Groups 
  •  MRF: Madras Rubber Factory 
  •  MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
  •  MRTPC: Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practises Commission 
  •  MRTS: Mass Rapid Transit System 
  •  MSA: Maritime Safety Agency 
  •  MSCF: Maritime Security Cooperation Framework 
  •  Mss: Manuscript 
  •  MTCR: Missile Technology Control Regime 
  •  MTO: Multilateral Trade Organisation 
  •  MUNO: Maha Vir Chakra 
  •  MVC: Maha Vir Chakra


Abbreviations starting with the letter “N”:

  • NABARD: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 
  •  NAEP: National Adult Education Program 
  •  NAFED: National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd 
  •  NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement 
  •  NAM: Non-Aligned Movement 
  •  NAMA: Non-Agriculture Market Access 
  •  NASDAQ: National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation 
  •  NASSCOM: National Association of Software and Services Companies 
  •  NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 
  •  NAV: Net Asset Value 
  •  NBFC: Non-Banking Finance Companies
  •  NCERT: National Council Of Education Research And Training 
  •  NCPCR: National Commission for Protection of Child Rights 
  •  NDC: National Development Council 
  •  NEFT: National Electronic Fund Transfer 
  •  NEGP: National E-Governance Plan 
  •  NEP: National Education Policy 
  •  NFO: New Fund Offers 
  •  NGO: Non-Governmental Organisation 
  •  NHAI: National Highways Authority of India 
  •  NHDP: National Highways Development Project 
  •  NHRC: National Human Rights Commission 
  •  NIC: National Industrial Classification 
  •  NIFT: National Institute of Fashion Technology
  •  NRI: Non-Resident Indian 
  •  NSC: National Statistical Commission 
  •  NSDL: National Securities Depository Limited 
  •  NSE: National Stock Exchange 
  •  NSSO: National Sample Survey Organisation 
  •  NTPC: National Thermal Power Corporation 
  •  NCC: National Cadet Corps 
  •  PDF: National Defence Fund 
  •  NEFA: North East Frontier Agency 
  •  NSS: National Service Scheme 
  •  NAA: National Airport Authority
  •  NRSA: National Remote Sensing Agency 
  •  NSA: National Security Act 
  •  NSC: National Service Corps; National Security Council 
  •  NSDL: National Securities Depository Limited 
  •  NSE: National Stock Exchange 
  •  NSR: National Skills Registry 
  •  NTPC: National Thermal Power Corporation 
  •  NWDA: National Water Development Agency 
  •  NWRC: National Water Resources Council 

Abbreviations starting with the letter “O”:

  •  OIC: Organisation of Islamic Countries 
  •  OIL: Oil India Limited 
  •  OLTAS: On-Line Tax Accounting System 
  •  OMCS: Oil Marketing Companies 
  •  ONGC: Oil And Natural Gas Commission 
  •  OPEC: Organisation Of Petroleum Exporting Countries 
  •  OSCE: Organisation For Security And Cooperation In Europe 
  • OBC: Other Backward Classes 
  •  OBU: Offshore Banking Unit 
  •  ODA: Official Development Assistance 
  •  ODF: Open Document Format 
  •  ODS: Ozone Depletion Substances 
  •  OECD: Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development 
  •  OGL: Open General Licence 
  •  OIC: Organisation of Islamic Countries 
  •  OIGS: On India Government Service 
  •  OIL: Oil India Limited 
  •  ONGC: Oil and Natural Gas Commission 
  •  OPEC: Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries 
  •  OSCE: Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe 
  •  OSD: Officer on Special Duty 
  •  OXML: Open Extended Marking Language

Abbreviations starting with the letter “P”:


  • PAC: Public Accounts Committee 
  •  PACS: Primary Agriculture Credit Societies 
  •  PAN: Permanent Account Number (Of Income-Tax) 
  •  PATA: Pacific-Asia Travel Association 
  •  PCI: Per capita income 
  •  PD: Primary Deficit 
  •  PDO: Public Debt Office 
  •  PDS: Public Distribution System 
  •  PIL: Public Interest Litigation 
  •  PIO: Persons Of Indian Origin 
  •  PN: Participatory Note 
  •  PNB: Punjab National Bank. 
  •  PO: Principal Office 
  • POW: Prisoner of War 
  •  PP: Public Prosecutor; Particular Person 
  •  PRO: Public Relations Officer 
  •  PS: Post Scriptum; PostScript; written after 
  •  PSC: Public Service Commission 
  •  PSE: Public Sector Enterprises 
  •  PSLV: Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle 
  •  PTA: Preferential Trade Area 
  •  PTI: Press Trust of India 
  •  PTO: Please Turn Over; Privilege Ticket Order 
  •  PUFA: Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 
  •  PVC: Param Vir Chakra 
  •  PVSM: Param Vishisht Seva Medal 
  •  PWD: Public Works Department


Abbreviations starting with the letter “Q”:


  •  QIB:  Qualified Institutional Buyer 
  •  QIP: Qualified Institutional Placement 
  •  QR: Quantitative Restriction 
  •  QMG: Quarter Master General 
  •  QR: Quantitative Restriction


Abbreviations starting with the letter “R”:


  • RBI: Reserve Bank Of India 
  •  RDBMS: Relational Database Management System 
  •  RE: Revenue Expenditure 
  •  REC: Rural Electrification Corporation 
  •  RIDF: Rural infrastructure development fund 
  •  RMB: Renminbi (Chinese) 
  •  RR: Revenue Receipts 
  •  RRB: Regional Rural Bank 
  •  RRPI: Rural Retail Price Index 
  •  RSETI: Rural Self Employment Training Institute 
  •  RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement 
  •  R&D: Research and Development 
  •  RSS: Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh 
  •  RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging 
  •  RAF: Rapid Action Force 
  •  RAM: Random Access Memory
  •  RLO: Returned Letter Office 
  •  RLV: Reusable Launch Vehicle 
  •  RPM: Revolution Per Minute 
  •  RPO: Recruitment Process Outsourcing; Regional Passport Officer 
  •  RRB: Regional Rural Bank 
  •  RRPI: Rural Retail Price Index 
  •  RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement System 
  •  RTI: Right to Information


Abbreviations starting with the letter “S”:


  • SBI: State Bank of India. 
  •  SC: Schedule Caste 
  •  SCO: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation 
  •  SCOPE: Standing Conference On Public Enterprises 
  •  SDF: shipping declaration form 
  •  SDR: Special Drawing Rights 
  •  SEBI: Securities and Exchange Board of India 
  •  SEBI: Securities And Exchange Board Of India 
  •  SEWA: Self-employed women’s association 
  •  SEZ: Special Economic Zone 
  •  SFC: State Financial Corporation 
  •  SGL: Subsidiary General Ledger 
  •  SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India 
  •  SLR: Statutory Liquidity Ratio 
  •  SSI: Small-Scale Industries 
  •  ST: Schedule Tribe
  •  SEATO: South East Asia treaty Organisation 
  •  ST: Scheduled Tribe 
  •  SAARC: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 
  •  SAFTA: South Asian Free Trade Area 
  •  SAIL: Steel Authority of India Limited 
  •  SAPTA: SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement 
  •  SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 
  •  SATNAV: Satellite Navigation (Initiative) 
  •  SAVE: SAARC Audio Visual Exchange 
  •  SC: Security Council; Supreme Court; Scheduled Caste
  • SOS: Save Our Souls distress signal 
  •  SPG: Special Protection Group 
  •  SPIN: Software Process Improvement Networks 
  •  SPV : Solar Photo Voltaic 
  •  SQUID: Superconducting Quantum Interference Device 
  •  SRE: Space Capsule Recovery Experiment 
  •  SRV: Submarine Rescue Vessel 
  •  SSN: Social Security Number 
  •  STARS: Satellite Tracking and Ranging Station 
  •  START: Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
  •  STD: Subscriber Trunk Dialling; Sexually Transmitted Diseases 
  •  STEP: Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Park 
  •  STT: Securities Transaction Tax


Abbreviations starting with the letter “T”:


  • TC: Temporary Change 
  •  TDS: Tax Deduction at Source 
  •  TIFR: Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research 
  •  TIN: Tax Information Network 
  •  TINXSYS: Tax Information Exchange System 
  •  TISCO: Tata Iron and Steel Company 
  •  TPDS: Targeted Public Distribution System 
  •  TRAI: Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India 
  •  TRIMS: Trade-Related Investment Measures 
  •  TRIPS: Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights 
  •  TRYSEM: Training Of Rural Youth For Self Employment 
  •  TT: Telegraphic Transfer 
  •  TA: Travelling Allowance 
  •  TB: Tuberculosis 
  •  TELEX: Teleprinter Exchange 
  •  TMO: Telegraphic Money
  • TA: Travelling Allowance; Territorial Army 
  •  TAAI: Travel Agents Association of India 
  •  TACDE: Tactics and Air Combat Development Establishment 
  •  TADA: Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act 
  •  TAPS: Tarapur Atomic Power Station 
  •  TB: Tuberculosis 
  •  TCP: Transfer Call Protocol 
  •  TDC: Transport Development Council 
  •  TDS: Tax Deduction at Source 
  •  TDSAT: Telecom Dispute Settlement Appellate Tribunal 
  •  TELCO: Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company 
  •  TERLS: Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station 
  •  TFT: Thin-Film Transistor 
  •  TIFR: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
  • TNT: Tri-nitro-toluene (high explosive) 
  •  TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language 
  •  TPP: 20-Point Programme 
  •  TRAI: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India 
  •  TRIMs: Trade-Related Investment Measures 
  •  TRIPS: Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights 
  •  TRP: Television Rating Points; Tax Return Preparer 
  •  TRYSEM: Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment 
  •  TTE: Travelling Ticket Examiner 
  •  TTF: Tourism Task Force 
  •  TVS : T.V Sundaram(Co-Founder)

Abbreviations starting with the letter “U”:

  •  UNCTAD: United Nations Conference On Trade And Development 
  •  UNFCCC: United nation framework convention on climate change 
  •  UNFPA : United Nations Fund For Population Activities 
  •  UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees 
  •  UNHRC: United Nations Human Rights Commission 
  •  UNICEF: United Nations International Children’s (Emergency) Fund 
  •  UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation 
  •  UNRRA: United Nations Relief And Rehabilitation Administration 
  •  UNDP: United nations Development Programme 
  •  UNO: United Nations Organisation 
  •  UAE: United Arab Emirates 
  •  UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 
  •  UF: United Front 
  •  UFO : Unidentified Flying Object 
  •  UGC: University Grants Commission 
  •  UK: United Kingdom 
  •  ULFA: United Liberation Front of Assam 
  •  UN: United Nations 
  •  UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 
  •  UNDP: United Nations Development Programme 
  •  UNEF: United Nations Emergency Force 
  •  UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme 
  •  UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 
  •  UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Abbreviations starting with the letter “V”:

  • VAT: Value-Added Tax 
  •  VC: Venture Capital 
  •  VDIS: Voluntary Disclosure Of Income Scheme 
  •  VRS: Voluntary Retirement Scheme 
  •  VIP: Very Important Person 
  •  VPP: Value Payable Post 
  •  VC: Vice-Chancellor; Vice Counsel; Victoria Cross; Vir Chakra 
  •  VCR: Video Cassette Recorder 
  •  VDIS: Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme 
  •  VHRR: Very High-Resolution Radiometer 
  •  VIP: Very Important Person 
  •  VIRUS: Vital Information Resources Under Siege 
  •  VISI: Very Large Scale Integration 
  •  VOIP: Voice Over Internet Protocol 
  •  VPN: Virtual Private Network


Abbreviations starting with the letter “W”:


  •  WMO: World Meteorological Organisation 
  •  WADA: World Anti-Doping Agency 
  •  WAP: Wireless Application Protocol 
  •  WAVE: Wireless Access for Virtual Enterprise 
  •  WDF: Wasteland Development Force 
  •  WEF: World Economic Forum 
  •  WFP: World Food Programme 
  •  WFTU: World Federation of Trade Unions 
  •  WGIG: Working Group on Internet Governance 
  •  WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organisation 
  •  WIPRO: Western Indian Products
  •  WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organisation 
  •  WMO: World Meteorological Organisation 
  •  WTO: World Trade Organisation

Abbreviations starting with the letter “X”:


  • XML: Extensible Mark-up Language


Abbreviations starting with the letter “Y”:


  • YWCA: young women’s Christian Association 
  • YMCA: Young Men’s Christian Association


Abbreviations starting with the letter “Z”:


  • ZAPU: Zimbabwe Africa Peoples Union 
  • ZPZ: Zero Population Growth 
  • ZS: Zoological Society 
  • ZIP: Zone Improvement Plan
  • Conclusion

    You are only left with practice now, so just polish your memorising skills. And learn a few more tricks to memorise abbreviations. You are good to go now and kill every simplification and approximation question in your exam.