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Importance of Right to Information

This article discusses the importance of the right to information and other key points related to this topic.

The Freedom of Information Act of 2005 gives every individual the liberty to demand important information from the government of India, irrespective of the genre. The government is bound to answer the person’s request within a month.

If the information is required to save someone’s life or there is a question of life and death, the government is bound to answer the request within 48 hours. The liberty granted to the citizens of India can be made use of during times of need. No legal action can be taken against the person placing a request for information.

The overriding of the Official Secrets Act and the Freedom of Information

The Official Secrets Act of 1923 made disclosing information a criminal offence. One could be put behind bars if they tried to do it. According to this act, no individual is allowed the freedom to ask for information from the government bodies regarding essential matters. Whereas the Freedom of Information Act of 2005 grants the freedom to demand information regarding critical issues from the government bodies.  

The government bodies are bound to answer the requests within a month if they are not urgent. If the requests are pressing, the government is bound to answer them within 2 days. At times, this overriding of both acts creates a problem for people who wish to place a request to any government body regarding any information. 

Right to Information Act 2005 – A boon

The Right to Information (RTI) Act 2005 proved to be a boon as it helped cases related to problems where some information was immediately required. This act gives Indian citizens the right to access information about any public authority or institution, including NGOs funded by the government.

This act also helps fight against corruption by providing the right information to a common man, who can make use of it to lessen the chances of political intervention or unnecessary meddling of officers in various matters. 

Also, when individuals are informed about things that are important to know, the chances of corruption happening around them are lessened. Thus, this act greatly helps people fight against corruption. Although this act is not a part of the Indian Constitution, similar acts of freedom of speech and liberty to express are there in the Constitution, which can be used in times of need. No legal action can be taken against a person for doing that. 

The Amendment

The act formulated and passed in 2005 was amended in 2019 for many reasons. The information offices complained to the government that this act was lowering the importance of information. They demanded that the policies and conditions for this act be changed so that people’s access to crucial and sensitive information doesn’t lead to any misuse, compromising the country’s security.

Therefore, on 25th July 2019, an amendment was made to this act. The terms and conditions for the same were changed and moulded according to the Information Department. One of the most substantial pieces of legislation was amended and the changes incorporated are being followed till now. 

Importance of the Right to Information Act

Various things have changed since the Right to Information Act was implemented. Thus, the RTI holds much importance in the present times. 

Let us discuss the importance of the right to information in democracy:

  • This act provides citizens with the freedom to seek access to critical information in times of need.
  • The Right to Information Act is considered landmark legislation in the fight against corruption. 
  • This act gives citizens the power to question public authorities and their work, thereby promoting transparency and demanding accountability.
  • The RTI Act brings together two crucial tools of transparency and accountability to ensure good governance.


The Right to Information Act was passed in 2005 by the government of India. It gives Indian citizens the right to access information about any public authority or institution, including NGOs funded by the government.

With the help of this act, a person can easily save himself amid a troublesome situation using the required information. An individual can easily place a request to the government of India to provide them with the information they require. The government is obliged to answer the request no matter what. The urgent requests are answered on a priority. The RTI Act was amended in 2019 at the request of the information bureau, and some changes in conditions were made.


Frequently asked questions

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When was the Right to Information Act amended and on whose request?

Answer: The Right to Information Act was amended on 25th July 2019 at the request of the information bureau o...Read full

Which government bodies govern the entire process and attend to the requests related to the RTI?

Answer: The Central Information Commission and the State Information Commission are the two bodies at a centr...Read full

Which act overrides the RTI Act of 2005?

Answer: The Official Secrets Act of 1923 overrides the RTI Act of 2005, with exact opposite terms and definit...Read full

Is there a fee required to be submitted to place a request?

Answer: Yes, you need to pay a certain amount of fee to the authorities to get your work done.