Importance of Inventions

Inventions are needed for us to lead an easier life. Like Plato has said, invention is always born out of the need for it

An invention is often defined as something that is new and is used to make lives easier. Many inventions have been so revolutionary, they’ve changed the quality of life. Some of them include the wheel, light bulb and even the internet. Indians are not behind in anything and even in this field we find Indian inventions like the USB, Cataract surgery and the number zero. Let us further explore some more new inventions that are in the developing stage below.

What are inventions?

An invention is often seen as a subgroup under science due to the amount of mechanics and mathematics involved in actually creating something tangible. It is often defined as something that is a new or unique device, object or even a method. For me an invention is anything that makes someone’s life more simple.

Some famous inventors and their inventions

In the below section we’ll see some inventors and their inventions:

  1. Early humans and the wheel

The first documented invention was the wheel invented by the early humans around 3500 B.C. Before the invention of the wheel, humans had great difficulty in carrying around heavy stuff. The dynamics were also hard to figure out when they actually started building wheels.

  1. The printing press

First invented by a German inventor called Johannes Gutenberg around the years of 1440 to 1450. Though before him the Chinese and Koreans had tried to do the same but his printing press was revolutionary and laid the foundation for what we know as printers today. He was the one to create a mechanised process of transferring ink to paper. This increased the production speed of books, leading to a wider reach and hence a larger dispersion of knowledge.

  1. The telephone

This is the most known invention even among children. The foundation of Android and IPHONE were based on the invention of telephones by sir Alexander Graham Bell. He was inspired to create this due to his personal struggles. He first gained the patent in 1876.

  1. Light bulb

Another revolutionary invention is that of the light bulb. Created by Thomas Edison in the year 1879. The invention of the light bulb allowed people to be free of the idea that they would have to get their work done during the day time and hence the invention spread out worldwide in a quite short time.

  1. The internet

First used as a military communication system, the internet is an invention without which we cannot imagine our lives today. Used by the US defence team, it was first called the ARPANET, back in the 1960s. Later after ten or twenty years, the launch of TCP/IP made the internet what we know today: a connection of global computers.

Indian inventions

  1. The zero

Today we cannot imagine our lives without the use of zero. Maths wouldn’t be what it is and it would be impossible to have space missions and other discoveries without the zero. Zero was first studied and founded by Aryabhatta and was later studied by other mathematicians.

  1. USB

The full form is Universal serial bus and was the Indian invention by inventor Ajay V. Bhatt. The USB is a device that till today helps us carry and transfer files without having to carry bulky hard drives or the laptop itself.

  1. Cataract surgery

The revolutionary eye surgery traces back its roots to India. First performed by Sushruta and later noted down by him is the Sushruta Samhita. The surgery was performed using a curved needle and butter was used to soothe the patient’s eyes.

Some latest inventions

Given below are a few new inventions:

  1. Messenger RNA vaccines

The pandemic has been trying time especially since there’s no cure to coronavirus yet. But mRNA vaccines have propounded their way and have helped prevent thousands of deaths due to complications. These types of vaccines are also being used to treat sickle cell disease and HIV.

  1. Lithium metal batteries

Today the necessity to save fuel and gas is making people switch to electric vehicles but they bring with them their own unique set of problems. After travelling for a few miles, we need to recharge the batteries which takes way longer than filling gas. A company in the US has developed Lithium metal batteries even though it is still a prototype and is expected to release in the markets by 2025.

  1. Multi skilled AI

Even though science has created huge developments in the robots and artificial intelligence being used yet they’re still dumb in many ways. They cannot talk yet and research is being done in this area along with the idea to invent an AI that can do anything a human can.


As we can see from the above points, inventions were developed solely to improve living quality and we use these inventions till date like the wheel, the telephone, light bulb, just not in its original form. A few Indian inventions have also been discussed.  Many new inventions are being made to further bring about changes in this developing Era.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Railway Examination Preparation.

What is an invention?

Ans. An invention is often seen as a subgroup under science due to the amount of mechanics and mathematics involved ...Read full

Name a few famous inventors.

Ans. Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Johannes Gutenberg, Aryabhatta, Sushruta etc.

What are some groundbreaking inventions we use till date?

Ans. The wheel, the internet, the zero, the light bulb, the telephone, penicillin, Cataract surgery and USBs....Read full

Discuss some Indian inventions.

Ans. The zero Today we cannot imagine our lives without the use of zero. Maths wouldn’t be what it i...Read full

Discuss some new inventions.

Ans. Messenger RNA vaccines The pandemic has been trying time especially since there’s no cure to co...Read full