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Impact of Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi’s

Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi had travelled to Mauritius and Seychelles to express a decisive view of the priorities and roles of India in the delicate area. It is undoubtedly a vital decision or declaration announced by any Indian leader that the Indian Ocean and its surrounding area signify to Delhi. 

In 2015 Mr Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister, visited Seychelles. Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi’s Indian Ocean tour to Seychelles is historical, as no Indian government leader has visited Seychelles in the last thirty-three years. 

The principal objective of visiting Seychelles is to establish a bond of faith and clarity. Other goals were to ensure:

  • That all nations follow international maritime laws 
  • Be sensitive to one another’s priorities
  • That they find a peaceful solution to coastal security

The Strategic Value of Seychelles Island for India

The Prime Minister’s tri-nation trip to Seychelles, Mauritius, and Sri Lanka has an influential role in India. The strategic significance of islands in coastal geographies is characterised by their position, making them critical for creating a local naval force. Their closeness to sea lanes simplifies patrols in the local regions at the time of peace and conflicts.

The significance of small but strategically positioned island states such as Seychelles and Mauritius has grown as the Indian Ocean has been established as an international hub for commerce and resources. Numerous foreign nations with significant concerns in the territory have used Seychelles as a crucial location.

During the Cold War, the US used to have a satellite-tracking facility on Mahe that conducted a wide range of undercover activities for the Americans. Seychelles acts as a very strategic post to the US, China, Russia, France, and the UK in the region of the Indian Ocean and beyond. 

For India, the islands located in the surrounding Indian Ocean have immense tactical effects in defining the country’s geographical boundaries and guaranteeing coastal safety and order.

A powerful protection and management structure in the Ocean is hardly required, but it should also be a worldwide concern. SAGAR, the complete form of security and growth for all in the region, is a strategic political goal of India. It represents the vision of India for constructing a sustainable global structure that will also maintain the protection of the mainland and the island. 

It will also boost the capacity of coastal relations with others and help achieve stable security and peace internationally.

Significance of Narendra Modi’s Visit to Seychelles

Seychelles and Mauritius came to the current maritime security collaboration framework between India, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka. Mr Narendra Modi has proposed the formation of a powerful geographical bloc centred on the Ocean of India.

However, the track record of India in establishing an international connection is terrible, as demonstrated by the Rim organisation.

The political agenda of the PM has been jam-packed, and he is undoubtedly well in balancing the international and political issues within the time generally given to the Indian government.

At the time of his Indian Ocean tour, Seychelles was the first destination for Prime Minister Modi. He conducted an individual conversation with the President of Seychelles, James Alexis Michel. They discussed how to deepen marine connections and mutual socioeconomic development collaboration.

There are three proposals or agreements expected to be signed between India and Seychelles during the meeting. 

The critical areas of international ties between India and Seychelles are healthcare, quality education, military, and marine safety. The essential and international relations between India and Seychelles are healthcare, quality education, military, and maritime security. 

A patrol ship has been donated to Seychelles by India. India gave the ship to help the coastal guard of Seychelles effectively. To sum up, it works as a net security provider.

As a sign of mutual international collaboration, Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi announced giving a Dornier aircraft to Seychelles and a mariner monitoring the Radar project. Mr Narendra Modi stated that the initiatives would assist Seychelles in securing the islands and the large ocean area surrounding them. These two countries have signed following agreements:

  • Hydrographic coordination
  • Structural development
  • Sustainable sources of energy
  • The purchase of marine charts
  • Electrical navigation charts

The strategic and economic significance position has not lessened but has grown in the future.


The result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tour to Seychelles has come in a very significant way. The geopolitical plan works as a net security provider in the marine areas both for the nations. The coastal line areas are very peaceful, and international relations have become very strong. 

The Prime Minister has successfully uplifted the position of India in global dominance, and its strategic and economic significance has not dimmed in modern times.


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In which year did Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi visit Seychelles?

Ans : Mr Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister, visited Seychelles in 2015.

Why is Seychelles significant to India?

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Ans : At the time of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit, James Alexis Michel was the Prime Mini...Read full

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Ans : The main reasons to visit Seychelles by Mr Narendra Modi are to have a friendly coastal relat...Read full

What is the geographical significance of Seychelles?

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