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How Is Weather Forecast Made

Weather forecasting is the practice of making informed guesses about weather conditions based on past trends and data.

Since ancient times, the process of weather forecasting has been a fascinating field. It is the practice of making informed guesses about weather conditions based on historical evidence. Making an accurate prediction is, without a doubt, one of the most challenging tasks that meteorologists face worldwide. 

Scientists have explored a variety of approaches for forecasting meteorological data, with some being more accurate than others. Weather forecasting can be a daunting task for human practitioners, given the unpredictability of the environment; hence, human forecasters have resorted to using methodologies based on the science of meteorology.

What is A Weather Forecast?

A weather forecast is to anticipate the state of the atmosphere for a specific time and location in the future.

  • Weather predictions are created by gathering as much information as possible about the existing state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature, moisture in the air, and wind.
  • Various meteorological techniques are then used to predict how the atmosphere will evolve in the future.
  • Predictions of changes to the Earth’s surface caused by atmospheric conditions such as snow, storms, and floods are also part of weather forecasting.

The Process Of Weather Forecasting

  • Predicting how the current state of the atmosphere will change is an essential component of weather forecasting.
  • Ground observations, observations from ships, observations from aeroplanes, radio noises, doppler radar, and satellites are all used to determine current weather conditions.
  • This data is forwarded to various meteorological centres, whose task is to collect, analyse, and present the data in multiple graphs, maps, and diagrams.

The Traditional Methods Of Forecasting Weather

Forecasting used to be primarily dependent on observing weather patterns in ancient times. Studies of weather patterns over the years have provided a variety of rainfall forecasting approaches. Rainfall forecasting today entails a mix of computer models, understanding, and familiarity with weather trends. 

  1. The Use of Barometers

  • Since the late 1800s, barometric pressure measurements have been employed in forecasting. 
  • The greater the shift in pressure, the greater the likelihood of a change in weather.
  • If the pressure drops quickly, it indicates a low-pressure system, and rain is more likely to occur.
  1. Observing Skies To Predict Weather

  • The atmospheric conditions (sky) and pressure tendency are essential characteristics used to forecast weather in mountainous terrain.
  • The thickening of clouds or the incursion of a higher cloud deck indicates the possibility of rain.
  1. The Process of ‘Nowcasting’

  • Nowcasting is a term used to describe weather predictions for the next six hours.
  1. The Analog Technique

  • The analogue technique is a challenging route in weather forecasting since it requires the forecaster to recall a former weather occurrence that is expected to be repeated by a future event.
  • It is still a helpful way to observe rain in locations like oceans and predict precipitation levels and dispersion in the future.

There are various other methods that are used in the process of weather forecasting. Some of these include the NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) model, ensemble forecasts, radars, weather satellites and maps, etc. 

Types Of Weather Forecasting

Thousands of observers and meteorologists from all over the world contribute to a daily weather forecast. Weather satellites circling the EarthEarth capture photographs of clouds from space, and modern computers make predictions more accurate than ever.

The various types of weather forecasting methods used by meteorologists all over the world include:

  1. a) Method of Persistence Forecasting 
  2. b) Method of Synoptic Forecasting
  3. c) Method of Statistical Forecasting
  4. d) Method of the Computer forecasting
  1. Persistence Forecasts

  • This is the simplest method of all.
  • It forecasts the next day’s conditions based on present conditions.
  • However, this method is useful only during the summer seasons, when the weather is stable.
  • It is useful for both short and long-term weather forecasts.
  1. Synoptic Forecasts

  • The fundamental rules of forecasting are used in this method.
  • Meteorologists use their observations and the laws they’ve learned to predict a short-term forecast.
  1. Statistical Forecasts

  • These forecasts are based on observations and trends studied over the years.
  • Records of average temperatures, rainfall and snowfall over the past years provide an idea of what the weather is “supposed to be”.
  1. Computer Forecasts

  • Forecasters use their observations to enter numbers into complex calculations.
  • The equations are solved on several ultra-high-speed computers to create computer models that provide a forecast for the upcoming days.
  • Since different equations often produce distinct outcomes, meteorologists combine this strategy with other forecasting methods.

Steps In Weather Forecasting

Step 1: Assessing the present state. It is also called the stage of “analysis”.

Step 2: Predict the future state after studying the weather changes using a forecasting technique.

Step 3: Obtain results from the technique used and analyse the data. 

Step 4: Make the forecast and monitor it regularly.  


The weather forecasting process has been made easier and much more accurate with the advancement of scientific methods and forecasting techniques. However, people continue to use ancient techniques such as watching the sky and using barometers for daily predictions. The four steps in weather forecasting have played an essential role for forecasters in providing accurate predictions. 


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