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How Future Growth Leads to High-Level Management Profiles

In a company, there are many different levels of management to choose from. Every time a firm and its employees grow in size, the number of individuals in management increases. The varying levels of management in a company may impact the chain of command and the amount of authority, and, in most cases, the decision-making ability that each manager possesses. In general, management levels may be divided into three categories that direct managers to perform certain tasks. This article will cover the levels of an organisation, what they represent, and how managers who work at each level might perform better in their respective duties and responsibilities.

Management at the administrative, managerial, or executive levels

This management level consists of the board of directors and the managing director or chief executive of a business. Their major focus is on total corporate performance via strategic planning and execution.

The following are the functions and responsibilities of top management:

  • Defining long-term objectives and policies of the organisation
  • Issuing crucial instructions for developing department-specific budgets, timelines, and procedures
  • Planning and implementing the organisation’s strategic plans and policies
  • Implementing controls for all organisational departments
  • Direction, leadership, and promotion of harmony and collaboration are all important aspects of the job

The Board of Directors, which is the company’s seniormost management level, has the responsibility of dealing with the outside world and being held responsible for its performance to its shareholders.

Management at the executive or middle levels

This level of management includes the branch and departmental managers. These individuals are directly responsible to top management for the smooth operation of their departments, allowing them to devote more time to organisational and strategic duties. Smaller businesses may have one layer of middle management, but bigger businesses may have senior and junior levels.

The intermediate level of management has the following jobs and responsibilities:

  • Putting the organisation’s plans into action by following the regulations and directions of the senior management
  • Developing strategies for the subunits of the company that they supervise
  • Participating in the hiring and training processes for lower-level management
  • Interpretation and explanation of policies are necessary at all levels of management, from the highest to the lowest.
  • Sending reports and data to senior management in a timely and efficient manner
  • Getting lower-level managers to perform better

Management at the supervisory, operative, or lower level

Supervisors, forepersons, section officers, superintendents, and other executives at this management level are responsible for HR monitoring and operational employee guidance. Lower-level managers are chiefly responsible for the execution and coordination of daily workflow to ensure project completion and delivery of deliverables.

The following is a summary of the tasks and responsibilities of lower-level management:

  • Assigning multiple personnel to different roles and tasks
  • Providing day-to-day guidance and instruction to employees
  • Managing both the quality and quantity of the output
  • Keeping solid relationships with the organisation’s lowest levels
  • Communicating employees’ issues, recommendations, and recommendatory pleas, among other things, to higher levels of management
  • Informing workers of higher-level aims and objectives
  • Assisting with worker complaints and resolving them
  • Supervising and mentoring subordinates
  • Participating in their employees’ recruiting and training
  • Organising materials, machinery, tools, resources, and other resources required to complete organisational activities
  • Regularly creating reports on the employees’ performance
  • Keeping the workplace in a state of order, decency, and harmony
  • Due to their direct interaction with employees, improving the company’s overall image.


A strategic and proper management level leads a company towards success. With the growth of the company, the level of management also increases. Management plays a vital role from administrative, managerial, and executive to middle and lower levels. At the executive level, the management mainly focuses on executing strategic plans for the company. The responsibility at the middle level is to ensure the smooth operation of various departments. Finally, the management at the lower level is responsible for smooth day-to-day operations


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