Higher Education

Higher education is the tertiary level of education after primary and secondary education and begins after school.

Higher education is the third stage of education after the primary (the first stage of formal education starting from age 5 till the age of 11) and secondary stages (the second stage of formal education starting from age 12 till the age of 17 to 18). It is the level of education that starts after a person completes their schooling and goes to college and starts from the age of 18 and lasts till the age of 22 and in some cases more than that. It usually takes place in universities and colleges and includes undergraduate as well as postgraduate studies. It is basically advanced learning in a particular subject of the student’s choice. 

Meaning of Higher Education

Wondering what is the meaning of higher education? Higher Education or bachelor’s degree refers to the tertiary level of education that takes place when a student finishes schooling and enters university. This is also an optional last step in education, although a person can definitely study further till the postgraduate or doctorate level.

A bachelor’s degree can be anywhere between 3 to 5 years long. Completion of a postgraduate degree can last 2 to 4 years, depending on the course and country.  Some careers, like Law, require you to have a postgraduate degree before you start practising.  Other professions, such as engineering, require a bachelor’s degree. 

The main programs in higher education are-

▪︎ Bachelor’s Degree (Arts or B.A., Science or B.Sc., Commerce or B.Com, MBBS, B tech, etc.)

▪︎Masters Degree (Specialisation in the above-mentioned courses)

▪︎ Doctorate (Highest level of education)

Higher education provides an individual with the opportunity of studying the subject of their choice in detail and ultimately making a successful career out of it. After the completion of higher education, an individual receives a degree or a diploma. The most basic requirement for entering a college is the completion of secondary education. Although some institutions also have entrance exams in addition to the above-mentioned criteria.  

Fun Fact: Higher education has its roots in Europe, where the first universities were established. 

The difference between college and university 

Here are some of the key differences between college and university: 


▪︎ Programs are up to undergraduate studies. 

▪︎Usually small scale, so they provide limited facilities. 

▪︎ Fee is generally lesser due to limited facilities. 


▪︎ Programs vary from undergraduate to postgraduate and even doctorate level studies.  

▪︎ Are large scale and offer a lot of facilities to their students.  

▪︎Due to the large number of facilities provided, the fee is generally higher. 

Importance of Higher Education 

Any form of education has plenty of benefits. But higher education will put you one step closer to your dream job. Societies that have higher literacy rates are more likely to be healthier, have higher economic stability and gender equality, and have much lower crime rates. Lack of good quality education is the primary cause of poverty. Higher education can have both personal and social benefits. They are as follows – 

Networking and Socialising 

This is very important for the overall development of an individual. Universities encourage students to meet people from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, etc. It is also the place to meet like-minded people and come up with new ideas and beliefs. It also helps in creating a wider network of people who share a similar value system.  

Identification of new skills

You might think that you’ve discovered everything about yourself by the end of high school, but that’s not the case. A person continues to discover more about themselves throughout the journey of life. But college offers a lot of new opportunities that will help a student discover new skills and learn more about themselves. 

Improves self-esteem

Acquiring a degree or pursuing higher education can cause a major boost in self-esteem. This is especially true for those who belong to the lower class or minority, as it gives them a sense of achievement and belonging.  

Empowerment and equality

Education, in general, helps in empowering both men and women from all sections of society. Acquiring higher education reduces gender discrimination. For women, it gives them the opportunity to be independent and, in turn, prevents them from being subjected to prejudices or violence.  

Reduced poverty 

A society that produces highly educated individuals is less likely to suffer economically. This is because there are a wide variety of individuals who specialise in various fields and can contribute to numerous industries.  Also, higher education increases an individual’s chances of a higher salary, which will ultimately help in breaking the cycle of poverty.  


Higher education is the level of education that comes after primary and secondary education and starts when a person goes to college or university. It typically lasts from the ages 18-22. Although, it can last much longer if someone decides to pursue a postgraduate or doctorate level of education. It gives the student the benefit to choose a subject of their choice and study about it in detail. A bachelor’s degree generally lasts for 3 to 5 years, whereas a postgraduate degree can last for anywhere between 2 to 4 years. Higher education has a lot of personal and social benefits. Some of them are – 

  • Networking and Socialising 
  • Identification of new skills
  • Improved Self-Esteem 
  • Empowerment and equality 
  • Reduced Poverty

Frequently asked questions

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What is the meaning of higher education?

Ans. Higher Education is the tertiary stage of education that begins after the completion of primary and secondary e...Read full

How long is higher education?

Ans. A bachelor’s degree can be anywhere between 3 to 5 years; it depends on the course and is different in di...Read full

What is the requirement for higher education?

Ans. A person is required to have completed their secondary education before pursuing higher education. Some premier...Read full

What are the benefits of higher education?

Ans. Higher education has the following benefits – ...Read full