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Facts About Repercussions of Climate change

Along with climate change causes, we will focus on the consequences of climate change in this article. Climate change affects all countries around the world and is becoming a major issue.

Climate changes in an area include changes in seasonal temperature, average rainfall, and change in wind patterns. These changes may be natural, due to human activities. Nowadays human activities are the main cause of Climate change, due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gases which emit harmful gases to the environment.

How it affects human lives and what are the adverse conditions because of this climate change. Climate change not only affects the environment but also affects the economy of the country or we can say the world too. Further, we will discuss the cause and repercussions, and steps to stop climate change.

Factors responsible for climate change

  1. Human Activity

  •  With the growth of industry, human activities deliver harmful gases (like carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases) in a very large amount to the atmosphere because of the effect of these harmful gases, climate changes occur. Scientists have observed that natural climate change occurs over a long period but due to human activities, it occurs in a short period. Human activity contributes more than naturally to climate change. Emission of greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane ) is in huge amounts in the atmosphere compared to past years. and the emission of greenhouse gases leads to the greenhouse effect which is the root of the rise in the temperature of the earth’s surface. The burning of fossil fuels is more harmful to climate change than any other activity.

  • Other activities like deforestation, construction, and agriculture also lead to climate change as it affects the reflectivity of the sun’s light. Urban areas are much warmer than rural areas as in urban areas there are so many buildings that reflect less sunlight than the earth’s surface. Due to deforestation trees were replaced by buildings or small crops which also reflect less sunlight which also make the area warmer.

 These are some human activities that affect the climate. more of the climate change occurs due to these reasons.

  1. Natural phenomenon

  • Natural processes whose effects are Change in reflectivity, Volcanic activities, change in earth’s orbit and rotation. Due to the changes in the Earth’s Orbit, many changes occur as warmer temperatures last longer than cold temperatures. The dark forest ocean’s surface absorbs more light, the object reflects more sunlight. so when there are natural changes in these objects seen the climate will change generally this happens over a long period.

  • Volcanic eruption releases harmful gases into the atmosphere (like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide) and these reflect most of the sunlight to space which cools the atmosphere for several years. 

  • Naturally, change in the concentration of carbon dioxide also leads to climate change.in the warmer glacial period, carbon dioxide level was high, and in the cool glacial period, it is low. These heating and cooling make changes in natural sources and sink these gases, which changes greenhouse gases concentration.

Repercussions of climate change

 The impact of Climate change is already affecting humans. Some climate change examples are represented here. 

  • Climate change causes warm winds, which cause sea levels to rise due to the melting of large glaciers.

  • Due to climate change, there is a huge risk of storms, floods, heatwaves, and extreme rainfall. 

  • Due to this phenomenon, humans are affected in many ways as they lose their homes, go through unwanted diseases, lack food, and lose many lives. Because of these uncertain events, death and illness increase. This phenomenon will harm the food production

  • Due to this farmers who were dependent on the production of food will economically get affected.

The methods for dealing with negative consequences evolve

As a result of climate change, it is necessary to address its consequences, which are exemplified by the following statements.

  •  Humans have to stop disposing of o industrial waste in seas, rivers and oceans.

  •  Need to reduce pollution.

  •  Depending more on renewable sources of energy.

  •  Use pollution-free vehicles to reduce pollution.

  •  Stop deforestation.

  •  Avoid consumption of plastics.

  •  Do plantations.

  • Stop polluting rivers, seas, ocean and soil.


 Nowadays this is a very big and serious issue, so to deal with the issue of climate change humans have to be aware and take initiative to stop the emission of large amounts of carbon and stop deforestation. They need to learn how to lower the emission of carbon. This will be possible only if individuals change their lifestyle and make this issue their priority and seriously work towards this issue to overcome the problem. Humans should do this for themself, the next generation and most importantly for the earth. Humans are responsible for climate change due to human activity so they must think or do something about this. The government should also take some initiative to stop human activities which are harmful to nature. The government should make some laws so that in following that rule to some extent the problem will be reduced. The preceding results demonstrate this. Climate change is an important topic not only for society but also for people’s lives. Without normalcy, life is impossible.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Railway Examination Preparation.

What is the climate?

Ans.  It defines the average weather for some time.

Why is climate change a serious problem?

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How climate change affects human health?

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What is the difference between weather and climate?

Ans. Weather refers to the short term change in the temperature-humidity cloud whereas climate is an average of Dail...Read full

What is temperature?

Ans. It is a physical quantity that tells us how hot and cool the weather is.

What is humidity?

Ans. Humidity refers to the concentration of water vapour present in the air.

What is the study of weather called?

Ans. Meteorology is called the study of weather.

Does climate change affect animals?

Ans. Yes, animals also get affected by climate change similar to human beings

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