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Maggi Controversy That Makes FSSAI More Accountable

Nestle’s Maggi Noodles has grown to be India’s most relevant, trusted, and valued food brand in the last 32 years. It has adapted to changing generations’ lives, supplied products that families appreciate, and always innovated new things that add value. Noodles have gone a long way since their launch in 1983, and Nestle Maggi noodles are a popular choice among all children in the country. Many households consider it a snack, while others consider it a staple of their diet. As people’s schedules became increasingly hectic, packaged and ready-to-eat foods have captured a significant share of the Indian food market. Because of Maggi, instant noodles have become a staple of Indian households’ dietary habits.

What was the Maggi Controversy ?

The Nestle Maggi noodles scandal has made India’s Food Safety and Standards Authority more accountable. Following the issue of the presence of lead and monosodium glutamate (MSG) over permissible limits in Nestle’s Maggi noodles, India’s national focus has switched to ensuring food safety.

For the first time in Indian history, numerous recalls and balling and banning the sale of multinational food brands are happening. As represented in media debates, the general public sentiment in the country appears to be strengthening and boosting food safety requirements. However, this will not be possible unless India’s Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) is made more accountable. The Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006 established the agency as an independent legislative entity. The FSSAI is supposed to set standards for food articles and regulate “their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption” as a single point of reference.

The Maggi controversy slammed Indian manufacturers and distributors hard. In an interview with Bloomberg TV India, Mr Ashwin Bhadri, FSSAI Expert and Equinox Labs CEO, revealed several aspects that made people aware of the FSSAI food licence authority in India. He claimed that 95.5 percent of people were unaware of the FSSAI before the Nestle Maggi controversy, which caused the entire system to wake up. Every producer is now researching food safety laws to comply with the norms and regulations. However, what is needed is knowledge of which components of FSSAI people should focus on. This is because the food authority has established different laws for different items, and it is impossible to go through all of them.

The pillars for creating a good foundation for a product should be research towards implementing the legislation and attention towards product testing to safeguard the product from any dispute. To meet an international standard, the FSSAI has become more severe. Nestle’s Maggi noodles discord made India aware of FSSAI’s power. People should realise that they must abide by FSSAI rules and that FSSAI is not going away.

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has indicated that their licence may be revoked if food safety standards are not met by food & beverages brands. It may halt product sales until the problematic product receives approval. It has the authority to inspect any food item at random in food laboratories. It may also impose harsh fines on firms that have a negative impact on public health.

Nestle’s Response

Nestle India announced that internal and external tests of Nestle Maggi Noodles found that the product does not contain excessive lead, and that it is sharing these findings with authorities. Apart from analysing samples from almost 1,000 batches at its own authorised laboratory, the business said it had sent samples of Maggi Noodles from nearly 600 product batches to an external laboratory for an independent analysis.

“These samples represent around 125 million (12.5 crores) packets.”  “All of the results of these internal and external tests demonstrate that lead levels are well under the regulatory limits and that Maggi noodles are safe to eat.” These are the statements that Nestle India gave.

Comeback After Maggi’s Crisis

The corporation encountered significant obstacles, including scared consumers, hostile media, demanding regulators, and India’s poor economic climate. However, public relations crisis management professionals and other analysts say Maggi made several blunders that other businesses may learn from. The business not only re-launched the original Maggi after receiving FDA approval, but also introduced some new Maggi noodles variations. After the crisis, the company focussed on people’s unwavering affection for their product and used the chance to launch 25 new products/variants.


The Nestle Maggi Noodles incident in 2015 was one of Nestle India’s largest public relations setbacks, as laboratory tests revealed the famous two-minute instant noodles were unsafe and harmful for human ingestion. Now chairman and managing director of Nestle’s India division, Suresh Narayanan, believes Nestle needed a shock treatment like the Maggi noodles ban in June 2015. Ultimately, despite all the hurdles in the market, Maggi noodles are still found in every Indian kitchen because of their taste and the place they’ve made in Indian hearts.


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How did Nestle Maggi reclaim the trust of its customers?

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