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Description Of Samudra Vasane Devi Parvata Stana Mandale

The sloka Samudra Vasane Devi Parvata Stana Mandale is a morning sloka. It is recited during the morning hours and forms the second part of morning prayers done to the Holy Mother Earth. It is recited to activate your love, make you feel fresh, and your day amazing. The basic aim of this sloka is to transfer positive energy into your thoughts and transfer your thoughts from a state of nothingness to a state of truthfulness and optimistic beliefs. The scientific reason to recite this sloka to the Holy mother Earth is that it takes a time span of two minutes, just enough to stabilise your blood pressure and get your brain working.

Explanation of Samudra Vasane Devi Stana Mandale

The sloka signifies that the holy mother has mountains and forests as her body and on which the oceans work as the clothes. She is the wife of the almighty Lord Krishna (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) and she should be bowed down upon. We stand on the Earth, which means our feet touch our Holy Mother, which is a sin, and we should ask for forgiveness for doing so. 

This sloka tries to inculcate a positive behaviour in humans towards our Environment. 

The Holy mother Earth is symbolic to a living individual, and we are exploiting it with our unfair activities. As the exploitation of any human is a punishable offence, so is the exploitation of mother Earth.

Similarly, cutting down trees means cutting down the body parts of our mother’s body and hurting our mother. The oceans, which are the clothes of our Mother Earth, are being polluted by the people because of human activities like Industrialisation, dumping of garbage etc.

Thus this sloka apologises to our holy mother for every misdeed being done by us and bowing down to her reminds us that she is the manifested one.

When a person wakes up in the morning, he is blank and has nothing in mind. That state of nothingness can cultivate either truthfulness or lies., an optimistic attitude or a pessimistic attitude. This sloka helps the individual to convert his mind’s state of nothingness into truthfulness and a positive attitude.

It also signifies that our destiny and our stars are in our hands and is a prayer to the holy mother to activate our fate. The mountains which form the body parts of our holy mother are responsible for our protection, and the oceans, which are the clothes of our mother, quench our thirst. Even the forest which is the body of our mother helps us in a lot of ways. 

Forests provide us with trees, which have medicinal values; they give us wood, which is used to make homes. They serve as the house for animals and birds. Trees help us purify the air, which is essential for our survival.

Thus, the holy Mother Earth does all for us, and we, in turn, disrespect her by exploiting our environment. We should be indebted to Earth for protecting us, providing us food to eat and water to drink. It is our sole responsibility to protect her and safeguard her dignity.


It is essential to cultivate a positive attitude, so that when we wake up, we know where to go, what to do, and how to make the most of it. Our mornings decide what kind of a day we will have, and thus it is necessary to begin our day with positive vibes and amazing hymns.

The sloka tells humans to purify their thoughts and be full of gratitude towards our holy mother. She is the ultimate power, and is all giving and thus you should ask for her forgiveness for exploiting her, stepping on her, and not safeguarding her dignity. It also tells people to look around and be grateful for the essence of nature. Nature is colourful, and you can derive your happiness through it.


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