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Countries and their Parliament List

A list of countries and their Parliament is a common topic that is generally asked in railway exams; it becomes important to know about it in more detail.

Countries and their Parliament List

List Of Parliament Names Of Countries 

Here is the complete list of the Parliament and associated counties. 

  1. Countries of Asia-Oceania 

  • Algeria: Parliament

  • Afghanistan: National Assembly

  • Australia: Parliament

  • Bahrain: National Assembly

  • Bangladesh: Jatiya Sansad

  • Brunei: Legislative Council

  • Bhutan: Tshogdu

  • Myanmar: Assembly of Union

  • China: National People’s Congress

  • Cambodia: Parliament

  • India: Sansad

  • Iran: Majlis

  • Israel: Knesset

  • Indonesia: People’s Consultative Assembly

  • Iraq: Majlis al-Niwab al-Iraqi

  • Jordan: Majlis al-Umma

  • Japan: Diet

  • Kazakhstan: Parliament

  • South Korea: National Assembly

  • North Korea: Supreme People’s Assembly

  • Nepal: Legislature-Parliament

  • Malaysia: Parliament

  • Philippines: Kongreso

  • Saudi Arabia: Majlis ash-Shura

  • Pakistan: Majlis-e-Shura

  • Singapore: Parliament

  • Sri Lanka: Sri Lankaway Parlimenthuwa

  • Russia: Federal Assembly (Duma)

  • Tajikistan: Majlisi Oli

  • United Arab Emirates: Majlis Watani Ittihad

  • Thailand: Ratthasapha

B. Countries of Americas

  • Argentina: Congreso de la Nación Argentina

  • Bolivia:  Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional

  • Bahamas: Parliament

  • Brazil: Congresso Nacional

  • Chile: Congreso Nacional

  • Canada:  Parliament

  • Cuba: National Assembly of People’s Power

  • Colombia: Congreso

  • Ecuador: Asamblea Nacional

  • México: Congreso de la Unión

  • United States: Congress

  • Paraguay: Congreso

  • Venezuela: Asamblea Nacional

C. Countries of Europe 

  • Austria: Federal Assembly

  • Belgium: Federal Parliament

  • Belarus: National Assembly

  • Bulgaria: National Assembly

  • Cyprus: House of Representatives

  • Croatia: Hrvatski Sabor

  • Czech Republic: Parliament Cheske’ Republiky

  • Finland: Eduskunta

  • Denmark: Folketing

  • France: Parlement français

  • Germany: Bundestag

  • Hungary: Országgyűlés

  • Greece: Hellenic Parliament

  • Iceland: Althing

  • Ireland: Oireachtas

  • Luxembourg: D’Chamber

  • Italy: Parlamento

  • Norway: Storting

  • Romania: Parliament

  • Netherlands: Staten-Generaal

  • Portugal: Assembleia da República

  • Spain: Cortes Generales

  • Switzerland: Federal Assembly

  • Sweden: The Riksdag

  • United Kingdom: Parliament

  • Turkey: Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi

D. Countries of Africa 

  • Algeria: Parliament

  • Cameroon: Parliament

  • Botswana: Parliament

  • Chad: Assemblée nationale

  • Ethiopia: Parliament

  • Kenya: Parliament

  • Moçambique: Assembleia da República

  • Central African Republic: National Assembly

  • Egypt: Majilis Al-Sha’ab

  • Ghana: Parliament

  • Somalia: Federal Parliament

  • Sudan: National Legislature

  • Zimbabwe: Parliament

  • Libya: Majlis al-Nuwab

  • Nigeria: National Assembly

  • South Africa: Parliament

  • Zambia: National Assembly

Parliament of India

In general, the Parliament of India consists of two houses, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha and the President of India. It is also known as the People’s House since it represents the Indian people. Even though he is not a member of either of the houses, the President is an important element of the Parliament. Therefore, the President has been given specific duties and responsibilities as a member of Parliament. Members of Parliament India are 533 in total. 

According to the Constitution, the Parliament of India is composed of 533 representatives elected directly from territorial constituencies in the states, not more than twenty representatives to portray the UT, and not much more than two representatives of the Anglo-Indian community to be recognised by the President. The optimum members chosen directly through territorial constituencies in States might well be surpassed if the increase is unavoidable due to an Act of Parliament reorganising states.

  1. Rajya Sabha 

The Rajya Sabha, or Parliament’s Upper House, is a permanent body that cannot be overturned. The Rajya Sabha has a maximum membership of 250 members. The President nominates 12 members based on their achievements in literature, art, science, and social service, with the remaining members being chosen. It now has a total membership of 245.

   2.Lok Sabha 

However, unlike Rajya Sabha, the Lok Sabha is not a bicameral legislature. Based on the ideology of universal adult franchise, it is democratically elected by the public. It’s also known as the lower House. The Lok Sabha has 550 members, with 530 members directly elected from the states and 20 members elected from the UT’s. Furthermore, if the President believes that the Anglo-Indian community is underrepresented in the Lower House, they may designate two members out of that group(Repealed now).


The Parliament of India has a great hand in working on the entire legislation of the nation, and it is based on the fundamentals of the Constitution of India. It comprises the members from the entire nation representing every region of India. The President of India plays a big role in both the houses (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha).