Causes of the Slowdown

This article discusses the causes of the economic slowdown.

An economic downturn is a general slowdown in economic activity over a sustained period of time. Globally, nations measure economic growth in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), meaning, the total number of goods and services produced in an economy in an year.  During an economic slowdown, GDP decreases. 

The causes of economic slowdown

  • Loss of confidence in investment and economy: Loss of certainty prompts shoppers to quit purchasing and move into protective mode. Alarm sets in when a minimum amount pushes towards the exit. Organisations run fewer business advertisements, and the economy adds fewer positions. Retail deals become slow. Makers slice back in response to falling requests, so the joblessness rate increases. In this situation, the national government and the national bank are required to step in to reestablish certainty.

  • Exorbitant interest rates: Financing costs limit liquidity-cash accessible to contribute when they rise. The Federal Reserve has been the greatest offender here before. The Fed has frequently raised loan costs to safeguard the dollar’s worth. For instance, it did as such to fight the stagflation of the last part of the 1970s, which added to the 1980 downturn.

  • A stock market crash: An abrupt loss of trust in contributing can make an ensuing bear market, emptying capital from organisations.

  • Falling housing prices and sales: Property holders can be compelled to scale back spending when they lose value and can never again require second home loans. This was the underlying trigger that set off the Great Recession of 2008. At the time, banks lost cash on muddled ventures that depended on fundamental home estimations, which were in decline.

  • Fabricating orders slow down: One indicator of a downturn is a decrease in assembling orders. Orders for sturdy products started falling in October 2006, well before the 2008 downturn hit.

  • Liberation: Officials can set off a downturn when they eliminate effective shields. The seeds of the S&L emergency and the resulting downturn were planted in 1982 when the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act was passed. The law eliminated limitations on borrowed -to-edge proportions for these banks.

Reasons for the slowdown of the Indian economy

  • Coronavirus pandemic: India has been under consistent lockdown since March 22, 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic. All financial exercises halted, businesses got closed, and regardless of the declaration of Rs. 20 lakh crore help bundle to different areas by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the monetary feelings have not shown any good effect.

  • Rising pool of unemployed youth: There isn’t just a pool of jobless people in India to ingest, yet the country additionally needs to give work to youth consistently entering the workforce.

  • No interest – No Investment Vicious Circle works: Since capital arrangement, or speculation, drives development in the economy, the venture is a quick wellspring of interest as firms that contribute purchase labour and products to do as such. It additionally extends the economy’s ability to create. The two wellsprings of speculation are private and public. The private speculation source is discouraged because of the variables referred to above. It is challenging to resuscitate except if some outside force is applied, for instance, charge sops, motivators for the venture, and driving interest for specific items through open-supported projects.

More reasons that lead to economic slowdown

Increasing inflation: Another variable is rising inflation. Expansion alludes to an overall ascent in the costs of labour and products throughout some period. As expansion builds, the level of labour and products that can be bought with a similar measure of cash diminishes.

Decreased buyer certainty: It is another variable that can cause a downturn. Assuming that buyers accept the economy’s sorry state, they are less inclined to burn through cash. 

Drop in wages: Falling wages allude to compensation that has been adapted to expansion. A drop in real salaries implies that a specialist’s check isn’t staying aware of expansion. The labourer may be bringing in a similar measure of cash, yet his buying power has been diminished.


A financial downturn means a drop in the GDP, while a lull is only a decrease in the development pace of the GDP. It’s the contrast between a compensation cut and a more modest addition. While one decreases a person’s genuine pay, the other is simply a drop in the development of that pay. A log jam typically goes before a downturn yet isn’t guaranteed to prompt one. A momentary downturn is set apart by low buyer spending, since individuals lose trust in the development of the economy. This reduction in the interest for labour and products like this prompts a decline underway as organisations diminish the result to match the interest.


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