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BS-VI and How It Can Improve Air Quality

BS's full form is Bharat Stage, and BS6 is the sixth iteration of the emission norm decided by the Bharat Stage Emission Standards.

The full form of BS is the Bharat Stage. The Bharat stage emission standard (a government institution) determines and regulates the number of outputs of air pollutants from different ignition engine equipment such as automobiles. The BS 6 is a necessary step to bring significant changes in the automobile industry for preventing pollution. The pollution from vehicles contains greenhouse gases that are responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer. Moreover, they are responsible for climate change and global warming. The burning of vehicle fuels, such as diesel and gasoline, releases these harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, benzene, etc. Let us study the Bharat stages and the significance of BS6 in brief. 

Bharat Stage Emission Standards

Bharat stage emission standards were firstly introduced in 2000. After that, several norms have taken place and new standards have been implemented. The BS III (BS full form is Bharat Stage) was introduced and implemented in October 2010. However, in the major cities, the BS 4 was enforced from April 2010. Moreover, BSES implemented BS 4 in the whole country in April 2017. The government of India announced the implementation of BS 6 by skipping BS 5 all over the country by April 1, 2020. Due to heavy pollution in Delhi, the Indian Petroleum Ministry suggested launching the BS 6 program in April 2018. However, the automobile industries were not completely ready for this preponement of the BS 6 act. 

Need for BS 6 in India

Due to the increase in population, the demand for automobiles is also increasing, leading to a serious pollution problem. According to the study of Greenpeace Environment Trust in 2018, covering almost 630 million Indians living in 550 M live areas, concluded that many individuals live in areas having air pollution more than twice the specified standard. The quality of air in the densely populated areas is very bad. It can lead to severe respiratory diseases and eye infections too. Therefore, it is necessary to make strict protocols to reduce automobile pollution. 

Moreover, India had signed an agreement in the Paris Climate Agreement, according to which, the country must bring down its carbon footprint by 33-35% from the recorded footprints of 2005 within 12 years. Due to this, the Indian government had to implement serious protocols, such as BS 6, to control automobile emissions and meet the demand of the Paris agreement. 

Comparison of Prescribed Amount of Pollutant Gases according to the BSES

Fuel Type

Pollutant Gases

BS 6

BS 4


Limit of Nitrogen Oxide

60 mg

80 mg


Particulate Limit Matter

4.5 mg/km



Limit of Nitrogen Oxide

80 mg

250 mg


Particulate Limit Matter

4.5 mg/km

25 mg



170 mg/km

300 mg

Advantages of BS 6 (Bharat Stage 6)

The Bharat stage 6 has many advantages over the other previous BS 4, 3 and so on. Some of these advantages of BS 6 over BS 4 are as follows:

· After the implementation of BS 6, NOX percentage had considerably decreased for both diesel and petrol engines. The emission will be reduced down up to 25% for the petrol engines and 68% for the diesel engines. 

· There will also be a huge downfall in the PM (particulate matter) emission by about 80%.

· To check the emission in the real world instead of the test conditions, RDE (Real Driving Emissions) will also be introduced.

· BS 6 changes the way of measuring particulate matter. The particulate matter will be measured by the number standard instead of the mass standard therapy.

BS 6 Engine

BS 6 engine is an advanced emission unit that is based on selective catalytic reduction units. The units in the SCR convert the NOx into two water and diatomic nitrogen. This conversion is with the help of diesel exhaust fluid or AdBlue. On connecting this Adblue with the engine, the area gets transformed into carbon dioxide and ammonia. Now, the ammonia covers the gases into nitrogen and water vapour, reducing the overall pollution. With the almost negligible difference in BS 6 and BS 4 engines, the BS 6 engines are much better for the environment. Some changes are necessary for CNG vehicles to become compatible with the BS 6 engines. The BS 6 engines use alternatives of sulphur for providing lubrication.


Bharat Stages is the standard set by Bharat Stage Emission Standard (BSES) to regulate the output of polluted gases from automobile engines. The continuous rise in pollution is a serious threat to the normal healthy life of all living things on the earth. Therefore, the proper management of pollution is necessary. The excess pollution in Delhi and the Paris Agreement signed by India were the two major factors that preponed the execution of the BS 6 program in the country. BS 6 engine is an advanced emission unit that is based on selective catalytic reduction units. The use of BS 6 engines will greatly reduce the emission of harmful gases from automobiles.


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