Basics of Computer

This article highlights the fundamental basics of Computer and helps one to understand the importance and functioning of computers.


Computer fundamentals are a common topic in computer science and programming courses, and a working knowledge of the following topics is essential for anyone who works with computers. This article provides a quick introduction to computer hardware, memory/storage, storage types, input/output (I/O) devices, computers for specific purposes (e.g., embedded computers), networked systems, and operating systems.

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that performs logical operations on data automatically and displays the results for a human being to see. There are two major components in a computer which are :

1) Input devices: Input devices collect data from sources outside of the machine and put it in the computer. There are four major types of input devices:

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Scanner
  • Web Camera

2) Output: The output will be displayed on the computer monitor. There are two types of output devices:

  • Monitor
  • Printers

Computer Hardware:

Computers consist of many physical parts like CPU, RAM, Motherboard, Graphics card etc.  Each part has its own role to play.  Computer has a processor or CPU that executes or runs all the instructions given by the user.  CPU is considered as the brain of a computer system as it processes all the information and makes decisions on what instruction to execute next, based on that information.  The memory (RAM) stores all of the programs and data being used in an active process.

Evolution of Computer:

The development of computers started in the mid nineteenth century and the process continues till date. The development of computers has been divided into following major eras in history:

1) The calculating machines (Early 1840 to 1945)

2) The Transistor (1947 to 1963)

3) Integrated Circuits (1960s to 1970s)

4) Very Large-Scale Integration and Bipolar technology (1970s to 1980s). 

5) Microprocessor Technology (1980s and beyond).

What are the Functions of Computers?

The function of a computer is to do calculations.  A computer has three main functions:

1) Input/Output : This is the first function of a computer and it takes data into the system, processes the data and outputs it. The input/output device can be a keyboard or mouse for your personal computer or console for video games etc.

2) Storage: It stores the data being processed by the computer system. It is composed of RAM (Random Access Memory), ROM (Read Only Memory) and Hard Disk Drive(HDD). The main function of these storage devices is to store programs, data and so on.

3) Processing : The processing function is the most important function of a computer. It processes everything from input into output. The processing can be done in real time or in the background.

What does a Computer Do?

A computer corrects data on paper or monitor for example these actions are termed as operations and it is called as operations.  Most of the instructions that are studied in mathematics and science textbooks, and we learnt at schools, are carried out by a computer program. You can get an idea about the various functions of a computer by giving below few examples:

1) A program performs mathematical operations like addition, subtraction etc..It also performs complex calculations like finding out the roots of equations using Gaussian Quadrature.

2) There are programs that can design buildings and prepare 3-D models of them.

3) There are programs which can play high quality video games.

4) Web surfing is also done with the help of programs.

How a Computer Works?

The computer works on a pre-set program, which is written and designed by computer programmers, called as a software.  The software used in the computers is called ‘Operating System’ that allows us to interact with the computer to run different programmes. An operating system performs very important functions like creating files in memory or RAM, executing programs and managing hard drives.

What is Hardware?

A computer should have all the necessary hardware parts like CPU, keyboard, mouse, monitor etc. so that it can run the software or program.

What is Software?

Programs are also called software. These are machine-readable instructions that cannot be understood by humans.  An operating system is also a software programme which controls the entire system and helps users to run different programs like word processors, graphics editors, games etc.  Examples of programming languages are C++, Java and PHP etc.

What is an application?

It is a program that provides a service to its users like word processing (MS Word), graphic designing (Adobe Photoshop) etc.

How do you install a program?

You can install a program by 1) Inserting the disk into the computer’s disk drive. 2) Double-clicking on the ‘setup’ icon on the desktop.

What is an Operating System?

An operating system is a set of software applications and various supporting utilities needed by application programs, to operate efficiently and with minimal interaction. The main components of an operating system are:

1) Central Processing Unit (CPU): It performs all the calculations accordingly to the instructions given by the Operating System

2) Local Storage Units (RAM): it stores all the programs and data being used in an active process.

3) Disks: It is used to store all the software. An operating system keeps track of all the files and data that is being stored on it.

4) Network Interface Cards (NIC): It manages the data networks and allows users to connect to a network.

5) Hard Disk: It stores all the data which is loaded by means of floppy disks, CD-ROMS, tape etc.


In Conclusion, it can be said that a computer is an important machine to solve different problems and do various tasks quickly. It has various important parts which work together to provide the services to its users.


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