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Aryabhatta and Axial Rotation of Moon

The Earth has only one natural satellite, the moon. Let us learn more about the axial rotation of moon in this article.

Aryabhatta introduced the world to the remarkable field of astronomy and mathematics. The moon is shaped like a sphere, and it appears rocky. Like Earth, the moon is also oblate from the bottom and the top. It has a small metallic core and rotates around Earth. The moon’s surface mass concentration is called mascon. Due to the existence of mascons, the moon’s gravitational field rises over some regions. The Earth’s natural satellite has a proportional mass ratio, where the centre of mass is superseded about 2 km (1.2 miles) toward Earth compared to the centre of the lunar region.

Physical Characteristics of the Natural Satellite of Earth

Mean radius

1737.4 km (0.2727 of Earth’s)

Equatorial radius 

1738.1 km (0.2725 of Earth’s)



Polar radius

1736.0 km (0.2731 of Earth’s)


10921 km

Surface area

3.793×107 km2 (0.074 of Earth’s)


2.1958×1010 km3 (0.02 of Earth’s)


7.342×1022 kg (0.0123 of Earth’s)

Surface gravity

1.622 m/s2 (0.1654 g; 5.318 ft/s2)

Mean density

3.344 g/cm3 0.606 × Earth

Moment of inertia factor


Synodic rotation period

29.530589 d

(29 d 12 h 44 min 2.9 s; synodic; solar day) (spin-orbit locked)

Sidereal rotation period

27.321661 d (spin-orbit locked)

Equatorial rotation velocity

4.627 m/s

Escape velocity

2.38 km/s (8600 km/h; 5300 mph)

Angular diameter

29.3 to 34.1 arcminutes

Surface pressure

10−7 Pa 

Apparent magnitude

−2.5 to −12.9

Average orbital speed

1.022 km/s

Some Fun Facts about the Moon

Aryabhatta discovered and determined the value of pi 62832/20000 = 3.1416. He also believed that the planets and the moon shine due to the light reflected off the sun, and the motion of the stars is because of the Earth’s rotation. Here are some interesting facts about the moon. 

  • Earth has only one natural satellite in the form of the moon. It is a permanent satellite and orbits around our planet.

  • The moon is the solar system’s sixth-largest natural satellite and the biggest among planetary satellites in terms of the size of the planet it revolves around.

  • Among the celestial bodies whose densities are known. 

  • Though the moon rotates around the Earth, the same side faces the Earth. The moon’s movement is in synchronisation with the Earth.

  • The face of the Earth has large black plains (volcanic maria), covering the crevices between the bright ancient crustal highlands, and it impacts craters on its nearside.

  • Since the moon does not have independent light, its surface is dark and gloomy. However, it appears extraordinarily brilliant when we compare it to the sky. 

  • The moon is 400 times tinier than the sun, but it is also 400 times closer to Earth.

Does the Rotation of the Moon Occur Around the Earth or the Sun? 

The moon rotates on its axis, but it revolves around the Earth. For one full circle/rotation, the moon takes about 27.322 days. In other words, the moon takes nearly 27 days to turn around once on its axis.

Consequently, the moon does not appear to be spinning, but it seems nearly perfectly still to those watching the moon from the Earth. 

According to scientists, we can say that this is a synchronous rotation. The close side of the moon is the angle that constantly overlooks the Earth. The distant side of the moon is the contrary or “rear” side. The rear side is occasionally called the “gloomy side,” but it is not real. The moon’s backside is bathed in sunshine, resulting in brightness when it falls between the Earth and the sun. This phase is called the New Moon. 

Sidereal Period of the Moon 

The time a celestial body like the moon that exists within the solar system takes to complete one round of rotation around fixed stars when seen from a fixed location outside the system is called the sidereal period. For example, the moon and the sun. You can calculate the sidereal period from the synodic period. 

Let’s say R = sidereal period.

S = synodic period 

R = S χ 365.26 (S + 365.26) 

Around 365.26 is the total number of days in the Earth’s sidereal year. 


According to Aryabhatta’s theories, the rotation of the Earth is equivalent to the duration of the sidereal = (15779175001 1582237500) x 24 hours, which is almost 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.1 seconds. The moon is the nearest celestial body to Earth and is one of its largest natural satellites. The moon has been a source of fascination, especially its beauty. Through this article, we read about the Earth and the moon, along with axial rotation and the meaning of the sidereal moon.


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