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An Explanation on How Coronavirus Spreads

This article explains about How does COVID-19 spread among people, in addition to contact with droplets and not maintaining a 2-metre distance, and what are the prevention methods.

The increased transmission of COVID-19 has created chaos. The question of how does COVID-19 spread is being asked by people worldwide. But not everyone is aware of the way COVID-19 can be transmitted from an infected person to another. Moreover, COVID-19 virus transmission is so fast that it takes mere seconds to transfer. 

Transmission can be prevented by taking necessary precautions. In many cases, after getting infected, a person might not show any symptoms. This is known as asymptomatic. However, they can still infect the people around them, without showing any symptoms of COVID-19.

There are several symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, cough, loss of smell, loss of taste, and others. Most people might feel mild symptoms. But those with pre-existing medical conditions, and senior citizens, are at higher risk of fully experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19.

In this article, we will learn how does COVID-19 spread. Knowing the transmission methods can help people stay safe from the infection. 

How Does COVID-19 Spread 

There are a few ways in which the COVID-19 virus can transmit among people. All of these methods are by person-to-person contact. People can get infected from materials around them, and in many other ways, including:

  • Contact With Droplets or Aerosols
    Coming into contact with droplets or aerosols of an infected person is a common way of contracting the COVID-19 virus. When an infected person coughs, sneezes or even talks, tiny droplets come out of their mouth. These tiny droplets are known as aerosols and carry the infection into the air. If the infected person is less than a 2-metre distance from another person, there is a greater likelihood of spreading COVID-19. 
  • Airborne Transmission
    The SARS-CoV-2, or the COVID-19 virus, can stay in the air for up to 3 years, according to research. The virus can spread to a person while they are taking in the air and breathing out carbon dioxide. Experts are still conducting research on how long the COVID-19 virus can survive in the air. 
  • Transmission Through Surfaces
    Touching the same surface as an infected person after they sneeze or cough is another transmission method. When an infected person touches a surface, the surface comes into contact with droplets containing the COVID-19 virus. Some common examples of these surfaces are doorknobs, taps, utensils, etc. To stop the infection, all surfaces must be disinfected multiple times a day. 
  • Faecal
    According to studies, the COVID-19 virus can also be found in the faeces of infected people. It is still unsure whether contact with faecal matter is a method of transmission or not. Failure to wash hands properly can lead to infection after sharing the same bathroom with a COVID-infected person, for example.

Transmission From an Infected Individual To Another

An infected person can potentially spread the COVID-19 virus at any time. Whether the person is asymptomatic or symptomatic, the virus can still spread.  

Laboratory tests have shown that an infected person is more likely to spread the virus in the early phase of the infection. They can infect others two days before developing symptoms. If the person is severely ill, they can infect other people for a longer period of time.

Even asymptomatic people can pass on the virus, although it is unclear for how long they can pass it on. More research and studies are being pursued in this area to obtain accurate data. Coming into contact with droplets is the most common method of transmission, in most cases. 

Are Asymptomatic and Pre-Symptomatic Different?

Both of these terms are used to describe people who do not show any symptoms. Some may develop symptoms late, while others may never develop any symptoms at all. The only differentiating factor between the two are the individual cases. Asymptomatic people do not have any symptoms, even if they are infected with the COVID-19 virus. Pre-symptomatic people may develop symptoms later on in the infection. However, both of them can infect others via contact with droplets. It is important, therefore, to maintain a 2-metre distance to be safe from the COVID-19 virus.

What Makes The Spread Of COVID-19 Fast?

Not maintaining a 2-metre distance from an infected person can bring a person into contact with the virus, and increases the probability of spreading COVID-19. The spread of the infection can also be accelerated indoors, if ventilation is poor. Activities such as singing, exercising, etc., can also expose people to droplets and increase the chances of transmission. 

There are three C-situations that people must avoid to slow the spread. These usually include public places where transmission may be high:

  • Crowded places 
  • Close-contact situations
  • Closed spaces or environments

In these three situations, the risk of transmission is extremely high. When these situations overlap, transmission is difficult to prevent.  


When considering how does COVID-19 spread, it must be remembered that the reason for transmission can be anything from standing too close to an infected person, or touching a surface that they have touched. 

Since COVID-19 has spread around the world, it is important to take necessary precautions to prevent this spread. People must maintain a 2-metre distance, wear masks, and wash/sanitise their hands. Even if transmission cannot be avoided altogether, many measures can be adopted to lessen the possibility of transmission.


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