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All You Need To Know About Petroleum

Petrol and Diesel are derived from petroleum by the fractional distillation process. They are used in vehicles as an energy source. It is a non-renewable source of energy.

Petrol is one of the most important energy resources on earth. As a result, it has become the most traded and transported liquid globally. Petrol is a liquid form of petroleum used as fuel, machines, and for several other purposes. Petrol, kerosene, fuel oil, and lubricating oil are refined petroleum products. Petroleum is one of the most crucial raw materials. The use of petroleum is widespread in many industries, such as pharmaceuticals, food, textiles, and paints. It is used to produce many industrial products, including plastics and petrochemicals. The source of petroleum is present in the Middle East. 

What Is Petroleum?

Petroleum is a naturally found fossil fuel source on the earth’s surface. It is also found in the well-created on the deepest surface for removal and is widely used worldwide. Petroleum consists of crude oils, liquid, gases, and solid hydrocarbons. It is used as fuel for vehicles which burns and forms energy to run the vehicles with emission of by-products. It is a flammable yellowish liquid recovered from petroleum processing.

Uses Of Petroleum

  1. It is used as fuel for powerful vehicles, machines, and heating units.
  2. It is used as crude material to form plastics and other essential materials.
  3. Petroleum-based products are more widely preferred, such as fertilisers, automobiles, aeroplanes, and plastics.
  4. ASphalt is derived from petroleum. It is used to pave the highways.
  5. Vehicles are made from petroleum, and the fuel such as petrol and diesel on which their engine works is also the type of refined petroleum product.
  6. It is used to form gasoline or petrol, kerosene, diesel, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and chemical agents.
  7. It is also used as a solvent system.
  8. It is used for transportation, lighting, burning, lubricants, clothing, and industrial purposes.
  9. Kerosene, a refined petroleum product, is used to burn the lights; certain heaters use kerosene as jet fuel and as rocket fuel.
  10. Fuel oils are used in heaters and furnaces to heat the interior spaces.
  11. Lubricant oil is used mainly as a lubricant, which helps reduce frictions.

Advantages Of Petroleum

  1. Helps in transportation, light, plastics, heat, and various other uses.
  2. Easy to extract.
  3. A cheaper extraction process makes it readily available to ordinary people.
  4. An efficient power source.
  5. An efficient power ratio means a minimal amount of product can yield considerable energy.

Sources Of Petroleum

Petroleum is found on the earth’s surface due to the decomposition of organic matter. It is called crude oil and is obtained because of the deposition of organic matter of marine organisms, plants, and algae. It is obtained through the oil drilling machine from the well made on the surface of land, mountains, or the seas.

Petroleum is obtained from any oil-rich sedimentary rock. Still, it is commonly recovered from petroleum reservoirs in sandstone and limestone, which are rich in organic material and are often associated with existing or former hydrocarbon lakes or seeps. The largest source of petroleum is the Orinoco oil sands.   

Are Petroleum Sources Renewable Or Not?

There is no renewable source for petroleum; therefore, it will finish for a lifetime once it is gone. But there are many alternatives tried and implemented nowadays.

Petrol is a non-renewable source that has been depleting at a very fast rate. Many countries have the best technology for renewable sources. India has a fairly large amount of petroleum, but the concern is that it is not easy to renew petroleum. The price of gasoline increases day by day. It is a significant concern for metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata. Diesel is an important fuel source in India. Due to its high demand, it is used more in private vehicles. It has become a major problem for Delhi because of the air pollution through diesel fumes.

Petrol price in India is revised daily through the dynamic fuel price method. Delhi is the capital of India and is mainly known for the use of most private vehicles among the public. Therefore, petrol and diesel prices have become a significant issue for ordinary people. The price of petrol in Delhi today is well over the historical average.


Petroleum is a naturally found source but has taken significant importance in day to day life of the people. The majority of the world’s people are dependent on petroleum for services, renewable sources, and goods. It is one of the influential fields and powerful as economic growth and political importance.

But petroleum also comes with certain consequences. Petroleum products create greenhouse gases emission, as well recovery of petroleum cause various environmental issues which are being neglected.

Depleting petroleum or crude oil sources also highlighted the point of alternatives for petrol, diesel, and other sources.


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