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All You Need To Know About Coal

This article will help us learn more about coal and charcoal, including activated charcoal, and the future of coal usage and cost-effective energy generation.

Coal is an organo-clastic sedimentary rock composed mainly of lithified plant debris. The sediments formed during coalification are moist and spongy materials called ‘peat’. Due to diagenesis, they later become dry, compressed, and modified in composition and texture. Coal is primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen and is readily combustible. It includes other elements like sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus. The future of coal usage may be determined by a single factor: cost-effective energy generation. There is a possibility that coal use will drop if an alternate energy source becomes the cheapest choice. Charcoal is also a form of coal.

Coal is the Cheapest Fossil Fuel Available 

Coal industries have opencast coal mines. The opencast mine means miners rarely have to go underground. Most of the work is done by machinery, and extraction is also easy. Charcoal is safe for transportation, and specialised storage is not required. Neither does it need a special transport system. While the power cost of other energy forms increases due to these factors, coal overcomes these drawbacks and is preferred over other energy sources.

Coal Lasts Indefinitely

Coal has an indefinite life if dry and cool surroundings are used for storage. 0.08 US Dollars per kilowatt-hour is the rate of coal-produced electricity in the United States. Hence, coal is much more affordable than stoves and other forms of energy for household purposes.

Coal Does Not Come Under Intermittent Sources of Energy

Like other energy sources such as hydro, photovoltaic, or tidal energy, coal provides a constant energy supply.  Darkness, snow, clouds, and other environmental factors do not affect it. Because it is less affected by seasonal swings than other power sources, you can use it anywhere and whenever you want. In situations where energy is continuously required, coal is the best option. Such a continuous source of energy is an essential requirement of manufacturing industries.

High Compatibility of Coal with Other Energy Sources

This energy source has the extra benefit of being interchangeable with different energy sources. As a result, biomass technology can also be used in coal-fired power plants. A lot fewer carbon footprints, reliable power generation for a long time, and higher economic productivity for a long time are just a few of the benefits of this combination. Furthermore, if coal is depleted, the same infrastructure can be used to deliver various sources of power to the same populace.

It is possible to change coal into various phases like liquid and gaseous states. It can also be utilised in its raw form. This makes coal a convenient source of energy. Another benefit of coal is that coal is suitable for remote uses and applications, as it can be packaged and transported to faraway places for use easily. It is impossible to do so with hydropower.

Coal can Easily be Stored 

Because of enhanced and advanced capture and storage technologies, emissions reduction and storage improvement have been achieved. Coal provides convenient storage methods and poses less threat of global warming. Coal will not cause a whole lot of damage to the environment. It can also be packed and stored for later use. Coal also doesn’t produce much waste compared to the other forms of energy. Even the by-products created during coal combustion are used for producing other substances.

Coal is a Safer Option

Like any other form of energy, coal has its set of possible negative impacts and drawbacks. It is, nevertheless, significantly safer than competitive alternatives such as nuclear energy. In addition to their safety, coal plant workers’ well-being and welfare have significantly increased due to technological and medical improvements. Many kinds of safety equipment have been developed and implemented by coal miners and other employees. As a result, the chances of any significant possible damage or concern have been reduced.


Carbon is the main component of charcoal. Coal is considered an excellent energy source, but there’s also a downside to coal. The most crucial downside of coal is how it negatively impacts the environment. Coal-fired power stations pollute the air and release greenhouse gases. Coal combustion emits SO2, chemicals connected to acid rain. The extraction process of coal has harmful effects on the miners and the earth. Coal mining harms the earth and has other serious repercussions, like pollution. Coal mining is also responsible for many injuries and deaths among coal miners and labourers every year.


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