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All About the Next Global Context

Global Context next is an app that creates production-ready web applications in record time. Read on to learn more about this app and its features

Technology is getting better day by day. Next.js is an example of building technology, which is a React.js framework. The idea of creating Next.js is due to the tremendous success of the React.js library. 

Global context next.js is an app that involves a ready web application in record times. Companies such as Titkok and Netflix are also eager for web development. Next.js is a developed app of the React.js library. React.js or React is a state management tool that helps create small apps but gets more challenging when used for more prominent apps.

To overcome this problem, Next.js has been introduced with some fantastic features.

What is Global context Next.js?

To understand what global context Next.js is, we must know what React.js is first. React.js is a JavaScript library that is best used in developing beautiful UIs. 

Now, as technology developed, global context Next.js was introduced. This is also a React.js and used to improve and put together production-ready web applications. We can say global context next.js is a React framework that carries the load of building universal apps. In Next.js, the server provides the JavaScript code and then returns to script HTML pages. 

The best feature of Next.js is that it also ensures more SEO advantages.

Guillermo Rauch gave seven principles of Rich web application which led to the birth or formation of Global context next.js. The principles are given below:

  1. Immediate action on user input
  2. React to data changes
  3. Enhance the history rather than breaking it
  4. Controlling the data exchange with the server
  5. Prediction of behavior
  6. Providing Server rendered pages, not giving it as an option
  7. Push code updates

Other global context Next.js features make it worthwhile, such as typescript support, file-system, fast-refresh, built-in-support, etc.

When to use Next.js?

Next.js can commonly be used when

  • We want to create a universal application.
  • We want to build high-performance applications.
  • Content with high volume is needed.
  • Publishing breaking news within 5 minutes
  • Updates of high frequency are needed.

How to share next.js global data?

Sharing next.js global data with a custom App component and use context hook is possible.

Custom App component: By creating a special file app.js inside the page folder in next.js, the app components will be replaced by custom components. We can lay out the pages and other features, in which sharing next.js global data is one feature.

UseContext hook: we can share next.js global data by importing the userContext component inside any other component.

What is the Context API?

Context API is a state management tool. It is a tool packed with the features of the React.js library. State management tools can be defined as a library or set of libraries used in JavaScript applications to create user interfaces.

To build any website in React, specific components are used. These components may include functions and states. These states and functions are often needed to convert to any other component.

This can be achieved by transferring the component as props and changing from one component to another. Prop react works similar to HTML attributes. It keeps the values of attributes. It also provides a path to convert one component into another.

One complication arises when it comes to this. When the components are child components, they are first converted into parent components, which can be transferred to another child component. All these complications can be done once for a small react app. But for more significant and higher react apps, a state management tool is required to control the process. Sometimes, we use third-party tools in case of more significant apps to handle states. These tools are MobX, Redux, etc.

Comparison between Next.js and React.js 

As we know, next.js is a framework of the next.js state management tool, and so is react.js. Next.js is a developed form of the next.js state management tool. Here, we will know the fundamental difference between them:

  • To create a page: In react.js, we first develop a component and add it to the router. On the other hand, in next.js, we place the component in the page folder and link it to the required header component.
  • Performance: React.js is insufficient for creating high-performance apps, as only        client-side rendering is allowed. In next.js, server-side rendering and static sites are    permitted and can be used to create high-performance apps. Also, next.js apps are faster.
  • Documentation: Next.js comes with a set of guides called “learn-by-doing”, which guides throughout the tasks. Similarly, React.js provides multiple tutorials covering all the necessities.

How Can You Use Context API in a Next.js App?

What is new in context API? And why is it the better choice?

The answer is the convenience it provides to the user. In this, we can create a multi-language app with the help of the Next.js app. All components must be in the language field, and turning these into props react is not the advantageous method.

Let’s take a look at creating an app using this:

First, we need to go to the Next Context API. A navigation bar at the top has the brand title ‘Next Context API’, along with a dropdown box to select languages and a contact link.

Each component of the first page takes the user to another page. For instance, clicking on the brand title will take you back to the home page. On clicking the About link, we will go back to the About page, whereas clicking on the Contact link will take you to the Contact page.

The second part is a dropdown link placed at the right top and provides only two languages: Spanish and English. Selecting any language from this link will change the entire app language into the selected one.

Create a Next.js Application

To create a Next.js application, we include the NPX tool. The NPX tool is a CLS tool intended to help make the installing and managing experience easy. It works the same as npm.

We can create Next.js applications by installing Node.js and using NPX.


The Next.js app is an advanced type of React.js. The idea of creating it also came from the React.js library, which is used to create beautiful UI.

We can use Context API in Next.js apps. Context API is a state management tool that is a library or set of libraries used in a JavaScript application for creating user interfaces. This is filled with components from the React.js library. It includes reacting components, such as function and state, which are needed to transfer into the parent component when they are initially present in the child component. This causes some problems for the user.

To overcome these problems, the Next.js app is introduced. With this, we can even create multi-language apps.


Frequently asked questions

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What is React.js?

Ans. React.js is a JavaScript library that is best used in developing beautifu...Read full

What is Next.js?

Ans. Next.js is a type of developed React.js and used to improve and put toget...Read full

What is Context API?

Ans. Context API is a state management tool. It is a tool packed with the feat...Read full

Why do we need the Next.js application?

Ans.  It provides convenience to the user. Using a Next.js application, we can create a multi-language app. In this...Read full