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All About Market Sentiment

The general attitude of investors toward given security or financial market is known as market sentiment. This article tells you about stock sentiment indicators.

Market sentiment describes how investors feel about a particular investment or financial market. Physiological factors like mood or tone sometimes measure the financial market. It can also be influenced by people participating in the activities of the market. Securities that are traded can be expressed in terms of activities and the price of the stocks. Market volatility, sometimes called “investor sentiment”, is not always rooted in facts. Finding overpriced or undervalued companies based on market sentiment can be profitable for some investors. This article will tell you about India’s stock sentiment indicators and market sentiment indicators. 

How can we determine the Market Sentiment? What can be the correct criteria to measure these factors?

Different indicators that can help measure the sentiments depend on the attitude and behaviour of the investing people. A fundamental concept of technical analysis is to keep track of the level of optimism or pessimism present. They monitor market mood and use a range of indicators to determine the best stocks to trade. All the popular and successful indicators that define the exponential movement of the market can include BPI or rise of the values, volatility index; even high low index of the index values can also be used.

Market Sentiment

  • The word market sentiment is often used interchangeably with investor sentiment. This sentiment is about an investor’s overall view or attitude toward the financial market and security.

  • Several factors tell us about the market, such as VIX, the percentage of rising prices, increased index, and the moving average.

Prices are affected by Market Sentiment

  • The market’s buoyancy is influenced by the sentiment that can affect the prices of the market. Although, if there is a fall in prices, the market can be defined as negative, and higher ones can be deemed positive. 

  • In trading systems, these market indicators or other types of analysis, traders may fine-tune signals entering or exiting. An investor’s ability to accurately evaluate the mood and act on it promptly is critical to maximising returns.

Financial Behavioural Theory

  • Kahneman and Tversky’s Behavioural financial theory tells us that these psychological sentiments can tell us the emotional or irrational behaviour of the investors in the market. 

  • The indicators tell us that these investors are sometimes bounded, and their actions are because of their perceptions rather than their choices or basic norms.

  • Overconfidence, self-reliance on other decisions, and investment allocation can result from the investors’ minds. 

  • Excessive reliance on past performance plays an essential role in determining investor behaviour and can affect the market’s price, thus leading to more biased decisions by any investors.

The Theory of Animal Spirit

  • Under uncertainty, humans are governed by their intuition. According to the Animal Spirit Theory of John Maynard Keynes, their behaviours are guided by the emotional quotient.

  • Investors will rush to it when the stock market rises, predicting ever-increasing rewards and distributing portfolios according to those predictions.

  • Investors will become increasingly sad if the prices fall or steep below, but surprisingly, they keep onto their riskier holdings to prevent realising losses.

  • As a result, herd behaviour is inextricably related to market emotion. It can lead to irrational exuberance that frequently affects investors’ decision-making abilities.

Measurement of Market Sentiment Indicators In India

High-Low Index

  • The 52-Week High-Low Index will help compare the total amount of stocks that can pass up to 52-week highs compared to the stocks that have reached up to 52-week fall prices.

  • Whenever the index is high, it is thought to be a sign of rising prices; but it is thought to be a sign of bearish market sentiment when it is low.

  • Investors can also tell the high low values of the particular stock market indexes. It can also include NYSE Composite. 

Moving Averages

  • The simple moving average shows a securities or stock index’s total price action over a specific period.

  • If someone wants to find the market sentiment, he can also use the measure of 50-day or 200-day average values.

Bullish Percent Index (BPI)

  • If the market prices are rising, they can be classified under The Bullish Percent Index. This index will help calculate the total number of stocks that will tell us about the rising stock market within a specific period. 

  • If the number in the index rate is relatively high, that is, if it exceeds more than 80%, then we say that the market is in a positive state.  

  • If the market indicators tell us very low BPI, there is no use for India’s market sentiment indicators.


The VIX, or Fear Index, is a market indicator of the demand for insurance. The VIX rises as an indicator of higher risk in periods of increased volatility.


In December 2018, multiple variables converged to frighten investors, and market sentiment indexes in India grew pessimistic. To start with, concerns over slowing corporate profitability rose. There’s a psychological aspect to market sentiment. Greed frequently goes hand in hand with bullish feelings and fear with a bearish sentiment. Warren Buffett, a very well long-term investor, has observed that it’s preferable to be terrified when others are affluent than ungrateful when others are afraid.

A stock sentiment indicator is a metric used to measure how people feel about a market or economy. These market psychology-based indicators measure sentiment, whether numerically or visually, to anticipate how current views and positions can affect future market action.


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