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A Brief Note on State Symbols of Sikkim

This article highlights the state symbols of Sikkim, its food and places of interest.

Every state in India has a unique set of animals, plants, fruit, songs, motto, birds, etc. They choose their state symbols from these options to best represent their culture and heritage on a national level. The state symbols of Sikkim are as follows:

State animal: Red Panda

State bird: Blood Pheasant

State tree: Rhododendron

State flower: Noble Orchid

State Animal: Red Panda

Scientific name: Ailurus fulgens

Geographic habitat: Sikkim, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh

Height: Less than 30 cm

Length: Between 50 cm and 60 cm

Population: Approximately 2,500

Status: Endangered

The red panda is a mammal found in Nepal, Bhutan, and the northern region of Myanmar in forests with dense undergrowth of bamboo. The red panda is a carnivorous animal, although it prefers bamboo leaves.

State Bird: Blood Pheasant

Scientific name: Ithaginis cruentus

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Aves

Order: Galliformes

Family: Phasianidae

Sub-family: Phasianidae

Genus: Ithaginis

The blood pheasant is also known as the blood partridge. It is a small, short-tailed bird common in the Himalayan region. It is an endangered species. This bird has a deep-coloured body. The males are more colourful and bigger than the females.

State Tree: Rhododendron

Kingdom: Plantae

Clade: Angiosperms

Clade: Eudicots

Clade: Asterids

Order: Ericales

Family: Ericoideae

Tribe: Rhodoreae

Genus: Rhododendron

It is an evergreen, deciduous tree found in Sikkim and Uttarakhand. The tree has bright flowers and blooms from late winter to early summer.

State Flower: Noble Orchid

Scientific name: Nobile dendrobium

Kingdom: Plantae

Clade: Tracheophytes

Clade: Angiosperms

Clade: Monocots

Order: Asparagales

Family: Orchidaceae

Tribe: Dendrobieae

Genus: Dendrobium

Species: D. nobile

It is a decorative house plant. It is one of the 50 Chinese fundamental herbs used in one of their traditional medicines.

State Emblem

The emblem of Sikkim was designed in 1877. It is currently used as the official seal of the Sikkim Government. The emblem is known as Kham-sum-wangdu and is made with red outlines over a white background.


Sikkim lore says that these shells originated from Yuksan or the Soul Lake, which dried up and was replaced with shells from Tshokam. The people of Sikkim have religious sentiments attached to it. They use it on auspicious occasions like marriages or pooja, when they blow into the conch, creating a vibration. This vibration has psychological effects and spreads optimism, hope, and courage.

Sikkim Tourism

Sikkim is one of the most famous destinations among tourists because of the hilly areas with stunning views of nature. It is one of the cleanest states in India, with panoramic views of the valleys. It is also among a few Indian states that experience snowfall every year.

Places to Visit in Sikkim 

  • Gangtok
  • Tsomgo lake 
  • Nathula Pass
  • Kanchenjunga Base Camp
  • Pelling
  • Zuluk
  • Teesta River
  • Goechala
  • Gurudongmar Lake

Food of Sikkim 

Sikkim has many meat-eaters who consume pork, mutton, beef, and chicken. Sikkim’s cuisine is a blend of Nepali, Tibetan, and Lepcha dishes. Arra and Chaang are few among the locally-available fermented beverages. Here are some of the famous dishes of Sikkim:

  1. Momos: They are stuffed dumplings, steamed and served with hot chilli sauce. The stuffing varies from vegetarian to non-vegetarian options.
  2. Sel Roti: This snack is addictive. The Nepali slices of bread are made during the festival Tihar and are eaten with curry. The bread is made with rice, spices, and ghee.
  3. Hard Churpi: This is a dairy-based dish that can be made at home from buttermilk. It resembles ricotta and is made with whey. It has a neutral taste with a slight tanginess. Hard churpi is prepared using a jute bag and is cut and cooked over the fire.
  4. Sha Phaley: This is a bread-based Tibetan dish. The bread is stuffed with meat and made in a semicircular shape. It is either pan-fried or deep-fried.
  5. Gundruk: It is a snack made with cabbage, radish leaves, and mustard. It is fermented in earthen pots till it acquires a sour taste.
  6. Dal Bhaat: It is a rice and lentil dish consumed daily. It is known as Dal Chawal in the rest of the country. It is a light and nutritious meal.
  7. Phagshapa: It is made up of pork. Phagshapa is a fiery dish made of pork and has unique flavours with a long-lasting taste.
  8. Chang: It is locally fermented alcohol made with yeast and millet. It is also known as Thonka. It is a traditional Nepali drink served in bamboo shoots.


Like the other Indian states, Sikkim has symbols that represent its heritage and culture. Sikkim is also famous for its tourist attractions, mesmerising view of the valleys and snowfall. It is an excellent place for tourists to enjoy unique dishes famous for their fiery flavours and simplicity.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Railway Examination Preparation.

The conch was found in which region of Sikkim?

Answer: The conch shells are believed to have come from Yuksan.


What is the name of the Sikkim logo?

Answer: The Sikkim logo is known as Kham-sum-wangdu.

Name the State Symbols of Sikkim?

Answer: The state symbols of Sikkim are: ...Read full

What is the scientific name of the red panda?

Answer: The scientific name of the red panda is Ailurus fulgens.