GDP of India

All the completed goods, products, and services produced inside the country within the definite period are part of the monetary value of the Gross domestic product (GDP). India is nowadays in the phase of development due to various types of governmental support and the current GDP of India is expanding at a much higher rate.

GDP is a Gross domestic product that is generally used to measure the size of the economy of the country or a region. GDP is the overall value of services and goods which are produced during the period inside the borders of the country or region. Generally, GDP is calculated after a year in all the countries. GDP is one of the priorities of every country because it indicates the economic performance of the country or region. GDP can be measured in three ways as Output method, Expenditure method, Income method.

In India, GDP is majorly contributed by 3 huge and demanded sectors. They are as follows:

  • Agriculture sector
  •  Industrial sector
  • Services

GDP in India is calculated as base price and market price for computation of the year,

Market Price = Factor cost GDP + Indirect Taxes – Subsidies

No difference is made on GDP whether the services or goods that are made have a helpful or adverse impact on the environmental or social perception. For instance, when an oil spill occurs in the ocean, the carriage of oil, as well as the work related to cleaning an oil spill, are also part of the GDP. So, the after-effects of products and services do not affect the GDP of India or any other country.

The products and services that are manufactured by the private investment of producers by them are also considered as part of GDP.

Key Points of GDP of India

  • All the completed goods, products, and services produced inside the country within the definite period are the part of the monetary value of the Gross domestic product (GDP).
  • GDP delivers a financial portrait of the country and is used for the estimation of the growth rate and size of the economy of the country.
  • GDP is calculated in three ways such as production, using expenditures, or incomes. It can be accustomed to increase and the populace to deliver deeper understandings.
  • GDP is known as the major tool to instruct investors, policy-makers, and businesses in tactical policymaking.

Types of GDP

The types of GDP are as follows:

  • Real GDP

  • Nominal GDP

  • GDP per capita

  • GDP Growth rate 

  • GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

GDP of India 2021

The growth perspective of the Indian economy remains positive and is predicted to increase in the coming years due to the largely young and educated population, low dependency ratio, increase investment rates, increase in globalization and industrialization in India, and influencing the growth of India’s GDP.

Furthermore, the Economy of India is rising 5.4 % yearly during the previous quarter of 2021, succeeding an upwardly reviewed 8.5% improvement in the earlier period and lower market anticipations of 6%. The fifth conservative quarter of growth, motivated by the festive season, lifted the customer demand, policy support, and speedy reduction in coronavirus cases.

Sectors and services activities expansion was reinforced by increases in trade, financial, real estate & professional services (4.6%), hotels, transportation & communication (6.1%); and public management, defense & other services (16.8%).

In addition, production rose for manufacturing (0.2%); mining & quarrying (8.8%); utilities (3.7%); construction (2.8%) and agriculture (2.6%). Considering the full 2021/22 fiscal year, the economy expanded 8.2 percent, compared with a 9.2 percent growth projected in the first advance estimates. 

Annual Growth Rate of India GDP

The supreme significant and the firmest increasing division of the Indian economy are services, real estate and business services and community, trade, transport and communication, financing, insurance, social and personal services account for more than 60 percent of GDP of India. Agriculture, fishing, and forestry establish around 12% of the productivity, but most of the employees working in this sector are in the labor force. Manufacturing holds the 15% share of overall GDP, construction and building materials constitute the other 8%, and mining, electricity, water, and gas supply and quarrying hold the 5% share of the GDP.

Factors Influencing the Growth of GDP of India

  • The pandemic: The pandemic has resulted in India as a global leader of vaccines. Vaccine manufacturing has started on a very large scale in different parts of India, which resulted in the expansion of export to other countries, which directly resulted in the rise of India GDP.
  • Consumer Demand: During the COVID-19 consumer demand has decreased which resulted in the disruption of GDP but now spread of virus is under control, which is expanding the GDP of India.
  • Investment: The key player which influences GDP of India is personal and private investment. As the uncertain risks reduce in the economy which results in a better environment to invest in, the  businesses.


GDP is known as a gross domestic product, GDP basically used to measure and calculate the economy and growth of the country. Good GDP shows the growth of the country and also shows the dependency level of the country for resources on outsiders because lesser the import in your country from other countries than GDP will automatically increase.


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What is GDP?

Ans. GDP is a Gross domestic product that is generally used to measure the siz...Read full

Factors affecting the Indian GDP?

Ans: Following factors that are influencing and affecting the GDP of India  a...Read full

What is the current GDP of India?

Ans. The current GDP of India is 2.62 lakh crores USD

How is GDP calculated?

Ans :GDP can be calculated by three methods and they are as follows: ...Read full