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Agro and Horticulture: Connection to the Indian Economy

Before we discuss how Agro and Horticulture are connected to the Indian Economy, let us discuss briefly what these are. 

Anyone who has grown up in India has definitely seen an agricultural farm. A common childhood memory of most Indian students is visiting their villages during school vacations. Though not limited to villages, agricultural farms are usually seen in rural areas. This is what Agro is related to. 

Agro basically refers to “related to agriculture .”Horticulture, on the other hand, refers to a branch of plant agriculture.

Now, if you’re wondering, what is Horticulture? Horticulture deals with garden crops, like fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. In the most ordinary sense, it refers to intensive farming for sale purposes. Horticulture is parted between plants used for food and plants used for ornamentation.

Relevance of Horticulture in the Indian Economy

Now that we’ve discussed what horticulture is. Let’s talk about their relevance in the Indian economy. Agriculture and Horticulture play an important role in the Indian economy. As we know, India is an agriculture-based economy, and agriculture is said to be the source of livelihood for at least 58 percent of the Indian population. 

Indians grow food at home not just to consume but also to sell. Agriculture forms the backbone of the Indian economy, and even though it was thought to be a sentimental statement owing to Indian people’s attachment and gratitude towards their work, several studies have backed this belief. 

Agro and Horticulture play a significant role in the uplifting of the Indian economy. Data suggest that in the Financial Year 2020, the Gross Value added by Agriculture, fishing industry, and forestry was estimated to be around ₹19.48 lakh crores. 

The government has recognized their important connection to the Indian Economy and has thus formulated plans to make these industries more efficient. 

The share of agriculture and its allied sectors in GVA at the current price stood at 17.8 per cent in FY 2020.

The Indian Food Industry is expected to grow exponentially and can be expected to contribute significantly to the world Food trade each year, especially the food processing industry. 

The Indian food and grocery market is the world’s sixth-largest. India remains the largest producer of several food products and also the consumer of several others. 

Several efforts are being taken by the government to extend support to these industries. But the question is, why is it so? 

Agro and Horticulture: Importance in the Indian Economy

  1. Agro-based Industries use plant and animal-based products as primary raw products. Their processed food further accelerates growth by contributing to the processed food market.
  2. Agro-based industries are really important given all kinds of agro-based industries contribute to boosting production. More production, as we know, is directly related to development and growth. An increase in production means more employment, and more employment obviously means a better standard of living. 
  3. Even though India is an agriculture-based economy, a large population is landless. With time as the number of agricultural farms seems to be reduced, such industries and their onset help balance the dependence on agriculture. 
  4. With time, the food habits of the people have also changed. Processed food items that weren’t a part of our diet are increasingly becoming common. Agro-based industries contribute to making the demands for such food items being fulfilled easily. 
  5. The large number of employment that is provided by such industries helps in alleviating poverty by providing immediate jobs and livelihood.
  6. Not only do these industries help improve the quality of life in rural households, but they help the nation earn foreign exchanges as well. Due to its sizable contribution to the food trade each year, India’s presence can be felt in the global market, and it is only expected to grow further with time. 
  7. Such industries are easy to set up and never fall short of labour or manpower due to India’s population. Apart from providing jobs and contributing to the growth in the food market, these industries also contribute to reducing the wastage of food items that perish easily and quickly.


I’m sure that after reading this article, you will not face any difficulty in understanding the concept of Agro and Horticulture and also how they’re relevant to the Indian economy. Agro-based industries and Horticulture as well play a vital role in the economy in the generation of employment and income, contributing to the production of raw materials from several food processing units, increasing income for farmers and also helping in earning foreign exchange for exports.

Considering the fact that in spite of being an agricultural economy, not enough people have farmlands, these industries can be a source of livelihood for a large number of people. Reducing the dependence on agriculture can prove to be beneficial in further uplifting the economy. If proper plans are chalked out, and those plans are properly implemented on all levels, Agro and Horticulture will uplift India’s position even more in the Global Food Trade, which will ultimately boost the economic growth even more. 


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