In this article, one can learn all about the flora and fauna of India and the reason why India has a rich heritage of flora and fauna.

The Earth is a beautiful place to live in. Life has flourished on the planet, thanks to the sun and vast oceans. No matter where we go on the earth, there are stunning plants, flowers, and animals that catch our attention. The flora and fauna are two most important things nature could have, apart from this a place rich with flora and fauna make the place beautiful and attractive.

What is Flora?

As it is known that flora means plants and these play an important role in our lives, they take up carbon dioxide (CO2) which is exhaled by humans, and releases oxygen (O2) which is inhaled by the individuals. This is the unique feature of plants. Plants are autotrophs which means they can prepare or synthesise their own food through a process called photosynthesis. Without flora, there is no human existence. The way they release oxygen is fantastic as they are giving life to the beings. But, humans are destroying them through several activities. For example, consuming plastic and throwing it anywhere destroys the flora. For the survival of human beings, it is imperative to have a rich heritage of flora on the planet.

Plants can be divided into two types: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Flowering plants are sunflowers, orchids, etc. Non-flowering plants are ferns, mosses, etc. All these plants prepare their food by taking energy from sunlight. In the area of medicine and health, the flora is the term used to describe the microorganisms which exist within the human body such as skin flora. When talking about the flora in reference to the medicine, it indicates yeast, bacteria, and other fungi. The study of flora is called phytology. 

What is Fauna?

Fauna is widely referred to as the animal life within a particular area or region. Animals contribute a lot to the survival of mankind. one can procure multiple things from the animals like milk, wool, eggs, etc. Majorly for agricultural families, animals play a vital role by providing them with milk which further provides earning opportunities by selling the milk. But animals are dying because of human as well as non-human activities like pollution, climate change, etc. Recently, the death of a cow because of the consumption of crackers and an elephant due to human activities has been reported. Pollution also plays a key role in the extinction of the species of animals. 

Nowadays, Fauna is becoming a rich heritage in India. The study of distribution of fauna is called faunistic. It can be said that India is home to many wildlife such as elephants, rhinoceros, lions, tigers, and many more. Examples of fauna comprise the Fauna of the Great Plains, 2018, Gut Fauna, etc. Human outbreaks of the ebola virus are mostly linked to the hunting and handling of infected wildlife. Fauna-borne diseases are referred to as blastomycosis.

Flora And Fauna:

The flora and fauna of India are considered the most important ones for the survival of human beings, as both plants and animals provide individuals with several essential things. Majorly people depend upon plants and animals for many needs such as food, clothing, shelter, etc. Fauna can also be used as a mode of transportation. For instance, in desserts, people use the camel to move from one place to another place by just sitting back to the hump of the camel. 

When it comes to why India has a rich heritage of flora and fauna, the reason is the climatic conditions of the country. 

Why does India have a rich heritage of flora and fauna?

The reason why India has a rich heritage of flora and fauna is the varied climatic conditions in the country, presence of rivers, and different varieties of rich soil. The country is blessed with a wide array of physiological features including long belts of coastal areas, and ranges of mountains, deserts, islands, plateau, and more which further support different species of flora and fauna.

Types Of Flora And Fauna in India:

  • Flora includes temperate forests, deciduous forests, evergreen forests, oaks, pines, bamboos, etc.
  • Fauna includes… Elephants, royal Bengal tiger, lion, etc. 

The main reason for the extinction of flora and fauna is deforestation.

By deforestation, it is implied the cutting of trees and using that land for other purposes.

Afforestation is the solution for dealing with deforestation. It’s the act of restocking the destroyed forests by planting new trees. 

Types of Species:

There are two types of species: endangered and endemic species.

  • Endangered Species: These are the animals that are decreasing and also might get extinct. For example, the number of tigers is decreasing so the government launched the project to protect the tiger population. 
  • Endemic Species: These are the species of plants and animals found in a particular area and don’t found anywhere.

Conservation Of Flora And Fauna:

In India the government has taken some steps to conserve flora and fauna. There are 14 biosphere reserves- the terrestrial and coastal areas which protect flora and fauna. Four biosphere reserves- the Sundarbans, the Nanda Devi, the Gulf of Mannar, and the Nilgiris, are found in West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Karnataka, and Uttarakhand, respectively. Many botanical gardens have also been settled up by the government to protect the endangered species of flora and fauna.


Now that both flora and fauna depend on each other for completing the food chain, it is essential to conserve the species of both. The survival of human beings is completely dependent on the flora and fauna of the planet. Atmospheric conditions and varied geography are the reasons why India has a rich heritage of flora and fauna.


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Why does India have a rich heritage of flora and fauna?

Ans : As discussed above, the reason why India has ...Read full

What is the importance of flora and fauna?

Ans : Flora and fauna can fulfil human needs including clothi...Read full

How many flora and fauna are there in India?

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