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Environmental Issues concerning India And The World

There is no doubt that the environment is in trouble. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution are just a few of the pressing environmental issues that we are facing today. And it’s not just a problem for countries in the developing world – every country on Earth is affected by environmental degradation. In this article, we will look at some of the biggest environmental problems facing India and the world. We will also discuss what you can do to help make a difference.

What are Environmental Changes?

The environment is a complex system that includes everything around us. It includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and even our homes. Environmental changes are those that affect any part of this ecosystem in a way that may cause harm or damage to living things. Environmental problems occur when there is an imbalance between human activities and natural processes.

Environmental issues concerning India and The World 

  • The environment is constantly changing and evolving. The population is growing and with it, the demand for resources. This can often hurt the environment. It is important to be aware of the environmental issues facing India and the world so that we can take steps to mitigate their effects
  • In India, air pollution has become a huge problem. The United States’ coal-fired power plants produce more than 50 per cent of the world’s sulphur dioxide. This gas is a major contributor to acid rain and other forms of environmental damage. India is also home to some of the most polluted cities in the world. This includes New Delhi, which was ranked first for air pollution by WHO Global Ambient Air Quality Database (GAAQD) in 2018
  • India has had one of the highest rates of deforestation in recent years with about 11 million hectares lost since 1951. Deforestation causes climate change by making emissions from burning forests and releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from decomposed trees
  • Forest fires are another source of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming as well as cause localised pollution. The number of forest fires in India has been increasing steadily over the years
  • In addition to air pollution, water pollution is also a major concern in India. Every day, a lot of untreated sewage is discharged into rivers and other water bodies. This makes the water unfit for human consumption or irrigation
  • The Ganges River, considered sacred by Hindus, is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. The city receives about 400 million litres of wastewater every day that is not treated. This wastewater comes from many different sources, including homes, religious places, businesses, and hospitals
  • The Yamuna River, which flows through Delhi, is even more polluted with about 620 million litres of raw sewage being dumped into it daily
  • Maintaining biodiversity is necessary for a healthy ecosystem. Nature provides us with clean air and water, fertile soil for growing food, and medicines that can treat diseases such as cancer or HIV/AIDS. Biodiversity helps protect us from natural disasters like floods and droughts. During rainstorms, biodiversity absorbs excess stormwater. And during dry periods, it retains moisture
  • The loss of biodiversity has been a pressing environmental issue in India for many years. This is because humans have destroyed habitats through activities like logging, mining and urbanisation. In addition to the high rates of deforestation in this country (about 11 million hectares have been lost since 1951), it also causes an imbalance in ecosystems where animals cannot survive and find food. Many species in India are also threatened by poaching and the illegal wildlife trade
  • The Bengal tiger is one of the animals that faces a high risk of extinction due to poaching and habitat destruction. There were estimated to be only about 2000 tigers left in the wild in India as of 2014. The Indian rhinoceros is another critically endangered animal, with only about 2700 remaining in the wild. Habitat loss has been a major threat to their survival, but they’re also poached for their horns which are used in traditional Chinese medicine
  • It’s not just animals that are at risk from environmental issues in India – humans too are being affected. Over half of India’s population – 620 million people – lives below the poverty line. These people often do not have access to clean water or electricity because they cannot afford it
  • The Indian government has set up national parks to protect the country’s biodiversity. These parks allow animals to roam freely without being disturbed by humans. For example, people can drive through the parks on roads near the areas.[21] In addition, there are strict laws against poaching animals like tigers which carry heavy penalties if found guilty. However, more needs to be done because many species have been saved so far. Governments around the world have limited resources, so they need to spend wisely while also prioritising other issues such as famine relief programmes


To provide a better understanding of the environmental crisis, we looked at India and how it is uniquely impacted by climate change. The country faces challenges such as rising temperatures, pollution, and deforestation. We also talked about what can be done to address these issues on an individual level so that the world has a chance for survival. It is already time that we take action on these issues to ensure a safe and sustainable future.


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