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Term Health: The Road to Recovery

Health consists of not only the absence of disease but also a state of complete mental and physical well-being. Several factors are responsible for good health.

Health is built not with the help of a strict diet but rather with a healthy diet. You need to have a good amount of leafy, green vegetables, fruits, dairy, meat, etc., in your food on a daily basis. Incorporating an exercise regime into this routine will also help. Being in good health can mean the difference between an enjoyable and a diseased existence. Two of the most important parameters for a healthy life are the intake of a balanced diet and eating healthy food.

What is a balanced diet?

From a calorific point of view, a person can need anything between 2000 to 3200 calories daily to maintain a healthy level of functioning. You can get these calories even from junk food and fast food. But the consumption of unhealthy food will not prove to be beneficial for your health in the long run. 

To be healthy in life, you need to have a balanced diet. Incorporate as much healthy food in your diet as you can. These will give you nutrients to fulfill your bodily requirements and calories to meet your daily quota of energy. A good diet consists of equal parts of leafy green vegetables, dairy, nuts, oils, fruits, eggs, meat, etc. 

The requirement of diet differs from person to person too. It also takes into account the nature of work that a person does. Someone who does a lot of labor-intensive exercises will need a higher amount of calories to get through the day. They will also need more protein in their diet to build back the muscles that they lose. 

Eating healthy food also builds your resistance to diseases. Today, keeping up your immunity is a big thing. There are a lot of diseases that can wreck your constitution. And if you fall behind once, it can become very difficult to get back up again. 

Building your Health

Health requires maintenance. If you let it slip for even a little, you will have to compensate for it in your diet and lifestyle. Healthy eating habits are the easiest way to make sure that you remain healthy in life. In the daily walk of life, your body goes through wear and tear, and you break down your muscle tissues in completing daily tasks. But if you are eating a good diet, then you are getting all the nutrients necessary for repairing the damage that your body sustains.

Health is indeed wealth. In the recent pandemic, we got to know that money doesn’t matter. You can have all the resources of the world at your disposal and still not be able to do anything. Many people lost their lives, and many lost their dear ones. Such tragedy has given wake to a new conscience; people are beginning to realize the things that are important in life.

And one of the biggest challenges that we have come to encounter is that of being overweight. Sedentary lifestyles and overeating have given rise to many diseases. The biggest challenge that we face is that of people being overweight and not being able to do anything about it. In the following section, that is what we are going to talk about.

Losing weight

Health is threatened by weight. If you have a high body fat percentage, then you are digging your own grave. You are much more susceptible to contracting many diseases. But don’t get depressed. You can still manage to lose weight.

Some people can make a huge difference to their bodies by just incorporating a few small changes in their daily lifestyle. It can be something as minor as taking the stairs instead of the lift. Or it can be going for a short 20 min. Walk every evening. Such activities will lead you away from the sedentary life you have fallen victim to. 

Other people might require a change in their diet. Eating a more protein-rich diet and staying from carbohydrates will help you stay lean and manage to lose any extra weight that you might have put up. A diet rich in leafy vegetables will also provide you with a good amount of roughage in your diet, thus ensuring healthy bowel movement. 


Health is something that all of us want, but only some of us are willing to work for. You have to understand that being healthy, like any other thing in life, requires investment from your side. The more consideration you are willing to give to it, the better are your chances of being healthy. A little effort every day will add up to a big result. Small measures every day, like not eating junk food, will help you to stay lean and fit.


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