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Classification of Animal Kingdom and Animal Tissue


All the creatures on the planet are categorised into five kinds, and the animal kingdom is one of them. Vertebrates are commonly classified considerably into 7 distinct parts. Class Pisces (Fishes) has the most disparate and broad variety of animals. Through this article, we will try to understand the classification of animal kingdom class 9 syllabus and also Animal Tissue Fundamentals.

Animal Kingdom 

Classification of animal kingdom is a visual categorisation of living beings on the shell of the earth, likewise named Kingdom Animalia. Again, the constituents entailed in this order are categorised and rested on some precise features into varied Genus, Family, Order, Class, and phyla. The presence or lack of notochord on the animal body is a basic means of animal categorisation. It’s to be averted here that a notochord is made up of a material analogous to cartilage and appears like a flexible rod. It is accepted that if an animal gets a notochord at the juncture of its life, it’ll also be regarded as a chordate.

Non–Chordates and Chordates

While following the classification of animal kingdom class 9 syllabus, you can see that species in the animal kingdom that don’t have the rod–analogous structure called the notochord in their body are named as non – chordates. Fundamentally, this phylum includes the creatures like marine animals as well as the components of the phylum Echinodermata, Porifera, Arthropoda, Hemichordata, Annelida, Mollusca, Ctenophora, Coelenterata Platyhelminthes and Aschelminthes. They all are accounted to be a part of this non – chordates group.

Basic Characteristics of the Non–Chordates in classification of animal kingdom class 9

  • Animals are basically coelomate, pseudocoelomate cylindrical or triploblastic
  •  Holds an open circulatory system
  •  Mostly, external fertilisation
  •  Both asexual and sexual processes do reproduction
  •  Mostly the sexual distinction cannot be made correctly for the group members
  •  The non–chordates respire through gills, trachea or body surface

General Features of the Chordates

  •  The chordates are split into considerable numbers, and Protochordates are those to be evolved at the only times
  • In some creatures, the presence of chordate can be found in the whole body; and in some creatures, it’s in the region of their larval tail
  •  They have a restricted circulatory system
  •  Typically they are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic and coelomate, having a post-anal tail

Classification of Vertebrates

One of the significant factors held into record while distinguishing the diverse types of creatures in the world is the backbone or vertebral column in their body. An animal with a spine is called the vertebrate animal, and they’re in the phylum Chordata. In terms of the vertebrates, the whole notochord or a portion of it’s substituted by the strong bones.

Vertebrates are broadly classified into 7 parts:

o   Class Mammalia

o   Class Aves

o   Class Reptilia

o   Class Amphibia

o   Class Osteichthyes

o   Class Agnatha

o   Class Chondrichthyes

Warm-blooded creatures own strings of hair in the body and are suitable to produce milk, come under this bracket. This order of creatures is the only one who fosters the offspring with milk, and the world has got nearly 4,000 species of mammal altogether. These are the cold-blooded and bipedal feathered creatures, suitable to keep up a steady temperature range of their body. The limbs in the frontal side of their body are tailored as wings, and a maximum of the creatures of this order are suitable to fly grandly in the sky, although there are some exceptions as well. While doing classification of animal kingdom class 9, Class Aves has got nearly 9,000 species overall. All the turtles, crocodiles, lizards and snakes of the earth come under this bracket of creatures known as reptiles. There are nearly 1,000 species on the earth regarded as entailed in the Class Reptilia.

 Principally amphibians are the creatures that live both on land and in water and are accounted to have a “double life”. Sorting to nearly 3,900 species, this group of creatures consists of caecilians, toads, frogs, salamanders, etc. The amphibians are usually not suitable to induce the temperature of their bodies, and their skin types restrict the disbursement of their habitation from moist to tepid climates. Both the gills and lungs are significant for them as during the larval stage, and they respire with gills that are substituted with lungs when they reach adulthood. Fish can be reckoned as “the gill- about submarine craniate creatures devoid of limbs with numbers”. This order has the most diverse and broad diversity of vertebrates, including nearly 30,000 species. While following the classification of animal kingdom class 9 syllabus, it can be said that forty-one percent of the entire population lives in freshwater, 58 per cent in the marine region and the rest 1 per cent shifts between these two fields.

Division of animal tissues

Epithelial tissues: Form the covering of the external shells, organs and internal hollows of the animal body. Varied types of epithelial tissues are:

  1. Based on the classification of animal kingdom worksheet, you can see that Simple squamous epithelium is a single stratum of fat cells found in the Lining of the mouth, lung, oesophagus, alveoli, etc.
  2. As per the animal kingdom classification, The columnar epithelium consists of extended or column-resembling cells found in the mortal body Inner lining of the intestine and gut. Its main function is secretion and absorption.
  3. The cuboidal epithelium consists of cube-like cells found in the salivary glands’ ducts and the mortal body lining of the kidney tubules. Its work is secretion and absorption.

Muscular tissues are of three types:

o   Cardiac muscles or involuntary muscles: Cells are branched, cylindrical and uninucleate

o   Smooth muscles or involuntary muscles: Cells are spindle-shaped, long and hold a single nucleus

Connective tissues: Specialised to link varied body organs. Varied kinds of connective tissues are:

o   As per animal tissue fundamentals, Areolar tissue is located in the nerves, skin and muscles, around the blood vessels etc

o   Adipose tissue acts as the storehouse point of fats; positioned between the internal organs and below the surface; it acts as an insulator

o   Dense regular connective tissues are tendons and ligaments; tendons interlink muscles to bones, while ligaments join two bones together

o   The main constituents of skeletal tissues are cartilage and bone

o   Blood is the fluid tissue or vascular tissue found in animals

Nervous tissues are present in the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The cells of the nervous tissue are the neurons. It consists of a cell body, a dendrite and an axon.


Animal bodies accentuated with the presence of notochord during any juncture of their lifetime are named the chordates. The members of this group are characterised by pharyngeal gill slits and sunken nerve cords. In the classification of animal kingdom worksheets, The body structure of the species usually follows the pattern of head, trunk and tail. All the fishes don’t possess fins, categorised into two parts paired (pelvic and pectoral fins) and unpaired (anal, caudal and rearward fins).