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A Short Note On Diversity In Living Organisms

Biodiversity comprises two different terms, “biology” and “diversity.” Biology is the study of living matter, and diversity means the varieties of biological creatures that live on Earth.

Biodiversity comprises two different terms, “biology” and “diversity.” Biology is the study of living matter, and diversity means the varieties of biological creatures that live on Earth. Classification and differentiation among millions and millions of living species on the different basis and characteristics behavior is called Diversity in Living Organism. Biodiversity is a vast subject in biology because there are thousands of varieties of snakes available on Earth, there are lakhs varieties of insects that are living on Earth. It is not possible to study each one of them. Here comes the need for the classification of biodiversity and ecosystem. This article will help you obtain insights into what is diversity in living organisms, what is their basis of classification, etc.

What Is Diversity In Living Organisms?

Diversity in living organisms is the fundamental basis for our Earth being a complete planet for every ecosystem, from birds flying in the atmosphere, fishes swimming in the water bodies, and insects living on terrain lands of the lithosphere. There are enormous numbers of living organisms currently living on our blue planet and their numbers are uncountable. We can only imagine an approximation index about their number. 

Each one of the living organisms needs a different and unique habitat for them to grow and sustain life. Some animals prefer to live inside water, some animals prefer to avoid water at all costs and live on land areas, and there are some animals who can easily live both on land as well as inside water. Evolution is the key player in the formation of diversity that we see nowadays. 

Basis Of Biological Classification

Classification for biological differences is a very important factor everyone should know. 

Each one of the living organisms needs a different and unique habitat for them to grow and sustain life. Some animals prefer to live inside water, some animals prefer to avoid water at all costs and live on land areas, and there are some animals who can easily live both on land as well as inside water. Hence, the basis of biological classification depends on some factors:

Classification System

Two Kingdom Classification

Plantae & Animalia

This was the two-kingdom classification model which was proposed by Carolus Linnaeus. The basis on which he made these two classifications was simple. The species which had the cell wall inside of their cell is called Plantae, however, the species which had the cell wall outside of their cell is called Animalia. 

Plantae is made up of bacteria, fungus, and plants. Despite the fact that they were all highly distinct, they were all grouped together in the two-kingdom categorization. Between eukaryotes and prokaryotes, there was no separate category differentiation. Therefore, this classification is not viable.

Five Kingdom Classification

Five Kingdom Classification was brought up by R.H Whittaker. Cell number, its types, cell nutritions, are some factors on which the classification has been proposed. 

Kingdom Monera: – Kingdom Monera are small unicellular organisms that are generally found in marshy and wet areas. The monerons don’t have any specifically defined organs or even nuclei. Cell Walls’ presence can’t be predicted because some of these unicellular prokaryotes have while some of them don’t. Monerons’ preferred method of nutrition is autotrophic(synthesizing on their own) and sometimes heterotrophic (getting from the surrounding). 

Kingdom Protista: – Protista kingdom comprises tiny unicellular organisms, and they are eukaryotic organisms as well. They are found generally in damp, and watery land areas, as parasites. These tiny organisms do have nuclei unlike monerons, and protists help in assisting in locomotion. Some of the common examples are whiplike flagella and hairlike cilia. These protists are often found during managing and maintaining links with different plants.  

Kingdom Fungi: – Kingdom Fungi are microorganisms such as yeast, mushrooms, and molds. Their mode of nutrition intake is heterotrophic because they feed on decaying foods, hence they are also called Saprophytes. They do have a cell wall and are used for the production of bread and beer. These commonly figure like skin infections and fungal allergies. Fungi can be easily formed and multicellular living organisms. Chitin is the rough and tough cell wall. Cyanobacteria, a kind of fungi prefers to build symbiotic relationships with green-blue algae. 

Plantae: – Plantae is made up of bacteria, fungus, and plants. Despite the fact that they were all highly distinct, they were all grouped together in the two-kingdom categorization. Between eukaryotes and prokaryotes, there was no separate category differentiation. Therefore, this classification is not viable.

Animalia: – In simple words, a multicellular big organism without a cell wall. 


Classification and differentiation among millions and millions of living species on the different basis and characteristics behavior is called Diversity in Living Organism. Biodiversity is a vast subject in biology because there are thousands of varieties of snakes available on Earth, there are lakhs varieties of insects that are living on Earth. It is not possible to study each one of them. Here comes the need for the classification of biodiversity and ecosystem. This article will help you obtain insights into what is diversity in living organisms, what is their basis of classification, etc


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Why is diversity in living organisms necessary?

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