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A Short Note On Composition Of blood

Blood is demonstrated as particularised body fluid where mainly four components of blood are considered including “plasma”, “red blood cells”, “white blood cells” and “platelets”.

Blood comprises different cellular materials, water, proteins, amino acids, hormones, vitamins, electrolytes, carbohydrates, dissolved gases and cellular wastes. It is demonstrated that cellular material referred to as 99 percent red blood cells with platelets and white blood cells creates the remainder. Components of blood are significant for the body as blood is important for maintaining the human body’s life and health. Blood composition and function demonstrate that it is slightly denser and is more viscous by three to four times as compared to water. Components of blood can easily be separated by process of filtration and an important method of “separating blood” is to “spin” or “centrifuge” it. Constituents of blood are regarded as three types that are created by cells of formed elements that are suspended in plasma. 

Components of blood

Plasma, RBC (red blood cells), WBC (white blood cells) and platelets are the major four components of blood. Components of blood are highly significant and represent the major important factor to continue the internal operation of the human body.

  • Plasma is referred to as the liquid component of the blood, which is demonstrated as the mixture of water, fat, protein, salts, and sugar. The main function of the plasma is to share the blood cells throughout the body along with waste products, nutrients, antibodies, and chemical messengers.
  • RBC is recognised as the most important cell in the blood, which is renowned for its bright dark red colour and accounts for around 45 per cent of the volume. RBC contains the protein known as haemoglobin that assists in carrying the oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the human body.
  • WBC plays a significant role in maintaining the body as it protects the human body from infection, which is few in RBC and accounts for more than 1 percent of the blood.
  • Platelets are demonstrated as the cells originally but rather considered as small fragments of cells. Platelets assist the process of blood clotting by accumulating at the site of injury by sticking to a thin layer of injured “blood vessels” and creating a platform on which the coagulation of blood occurs.

Blood composition and function

The cell fragments and cells are unrelated to the intercellular matrix of the liquid when the blood sample is spun in a centrifuge. It is because created elements are heavier as compared to the liquid matrix and they are packed in the tube bottom by force of the centrifuge. Plasma is identified when the light yellow coloured liquid is visible on the top, which accounts for around 55 per cent of the red blood cells and blood volume is termed as the PCV (packed cell volume) or hematocrit. Buffy coat is visible when a thin white layer is formed by the platelets and white blood cells. Understanding Blood composition and functions are highly essential and the different functions include:

  • Forming the clot of blood to prevent the loss of excess blood
  • Transporting nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and lungs
  • Carrying antibodies and cells that fight the infection
  • Escorting the waste products to the liver and kidney which assist in cleaning and filtering the blood
  • It also helps in regulating the temperature of the body

Constituents of blood

“Erythrocytes (RBC)”, “thrombocytes (Platelets)” and “leukocytes (WBC)” are three major Constituents of blood.

  • Erythrocytes are represented as the tiniest of the created components which are regarded as “tiny biconcave disks”, thicker around the periphery and thin in the middle.
  • Leukocytes are considered larger as compared to erythrocytes, which utilise the blood as a transport medium.
  • Thrombocytes are referred to as the complete cells but are demonstrated as the small fragment of very large cells termed megakaryocytes.


Blood is thicker in structure in comparison to water, which plays a remarkable role in the continuation of human organs and life. Blood is created of solids and liquids where the liquid part is known as plasma, which is formed up of protein, salts and water. It is demonstrated from the study that almost half of the blood in the human body is plasma. Components of blood, blood composition and functions and constituents of blood are almost related to each other, which provide an important benefit for the human body.


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