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7 Food Components And Their Importance You Must Know

We eat food when we feel hungry, but what is food, and why is it necessary? Food is the basic component of our life. We need food because we need the energy to do work. That energy is also required by our body to do many internal processes inside our body. Food is what is responsible for our immune system working well. Since food is this important for our survival, it is extremely important to understand different food components as well. 

Let us discuss what are the components of food and why they are important:

  • Protein: 

Protein is an important component for building muscles and repairing tissues in our body. It is made up of four major elements: oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon. Protein can be obtained from both animals and plants, i.e., animal protein and plant protein, respectively. It is important for the formation of cells which is the basic unit of all living organisms. An adult needs 1 gram per kg of his/her body weight. On the other hand, pregnant women and growing children need more protein than this measure. Protein can be found in plant-based foods like pulses, beans, peanuts, nuts, and peas. Animal-based proteins are meat, eggs, fish, milk, and cheese. Protein is the most important of the many food components present.

  • Carbohydrates: 

The primary source of energy that our body needs are carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential for our muscles and brain to function. One gram of carbohydrate has 4 calories which provide us energy. It is made up of oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. This breaks down to form glucose which is required to maintain the level of glucose in the blood and for the normal working of muscles. Excess intake of carbohydrates, more than the body’s requirement, is turned into fats which get accumulated in fat tissues. Food items that have carbs in them are wheat, rice, corn, potato, fruits, sugarcane, honey, etc. 

  • Fats: 

They are also essential food components that provide energy. A single gram of fat contains 9 calories which means they provide double the energy provided by 1 gram of carbohydrate. Well, too much of anything isn’t good. Excess saturated fats can cause an increase in cholesterol levels. A high amount of cholesterol can cause diabetes and heart diseases. Fats insulate our body, protect our internal organs and help in proper menstruation in females. Fats are found in milk, butter, cheese, ghee, seed oils such as flax, soy, mustard, etc., meat, fish, nuts, and more. 

  • Minerals: 

Minerals are a crucial component of the growth process of a human. We usually consume minerals when we eat fish, vegetables, fruits, milk, egg, and water.

Functions of minerals:

-They serve as regulatory elements. Muscle contraction, blood coagulation, etc.

-They contribute to the structures of organisms.

-They help in osmotic processes.

-Minerals contribute to the prevention of caries.

  • Vitamins: 

It is another food component that is essential for the body to build itself. Vitamins are present in almost all our food components, such as fruits and vegetables. Some vitamins are water-soluble such as vitamin B complex and C. Some vitamins are fat-soluble, like vitamin A and K. They serve various functions in the body, like maintaining body function. They also help in the absorption of minerals and the prevention of infections in the body.

  • Water: 

It is one of the most important food components of the human body and contributes about 60%-70% of our body weight. Sources of water are drinking water, vegetables, fruits, etc. It is present in almost all our organs. It controls all our internal body activities and transports various nutrients throughout the body. It is an inevitable component in a human’s life, like oxygen.

  • Fiber: 

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that is not capable of digesting. Most of the fiber travels through the digestive system undigested. It helps the body to control blood sugar, hunger. The body needs about 20-30 grams of fiber every day, but this demand of the body is often not taken care of. The sources of vitamins are vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains. There are two types of fiber named soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.


These food components are all essential for a balanced diet. When taken in the right quantity, they will help our body function properly. Whether you are concerned about good skin, required weight, beautiful hair, or proper functioning of all internal organs, you must take proper food full of all these components. Excess or deficiency of even one component can lead to serious health problems. Eat healthily, stay healthy. 


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