Railway Exam » Railway Exam Study Materials » Basics of Environment and Pollution » How Environment Protection & Development Can Go Hand In Hand

How Environment Protection & Development Can Go Hand In Hand

For years, people have had the misconception that if we want development, we have to compromise on the environment. But in recent years, several government policies have emphasised protecting the environment. Corporates as well as the government have been mindful of how their work impacts the environment and natural resources. The importance of the environment has been a key issue for private as well as government organisations.  The new infrastructure projects assigned by the government are based on a thorough study of the concept of protecting the environment and the importance of the environment.

Government Initiatives for Bringing Development while Protecting the Environment

Recently the central government of India has initiated a public-private partnership where the ownership of the land will remain with the government but private industries that import wood and other similar materials can commercially harvest the wood and other materials on government-owned land. This initiative by the government not only helps in protecting the environment but also aims at creating jobs for local people. Several government policies further aim at creating sustainable employment for locals. The view behind this is that protecting the environment can go hand in hand with sustainability and livelihood for many.

Climate Change and Importance of Environment

The impact of rising pollution and mismanaged industrial waste disposal along with various other factors has alarmingly increased climate change. More than ever before, in the recent decade, people are more aware of the importance of the environment. We are in dire need for conservation of environment as climate change has drastically depleted resources on the earth. We need to take quick action in order to preserve and protect the natural resources we have right now. A little delay or a single mistaken step may worsen the situation considerably.

Infrastructural Development With Environment Protection In Mind

Developing countries like India have a huge scope and need for infrastructural development. If this infrastructural development is done with a broader scope and keeping the importance of the environment in mind, we can hope for sustainable growth for the nation. Many road projects in India are utilising resources wisely; one of the prime examples is reusing steel grits as a primary material in road construction.

The Infrastructure Needed For Carrying Out Development Work

Human Resource development

Manpower is the biggest resource available on the earth. Improving the quality of life of people at work and honing their creativity form an important part of their wellbeing. Any type of infrastructural development work requires human resources.

Research aiming protection of the environment

Any development work is carried out with thorough research aiming at protecting the environment can be a win-win situation for both economic growth and environment protection.

Selection of sustainable and biodegradable materials

For any project, sustainable, eco-friendly and biodegradable materials  become an accelerator for growth along with protecting the environment.

Need For Conservation of Environment

In a country such as India where the population is extremely high and resources are limited, it becomes extremely important for policymakers to be environment conservationists. We are already facing the negative consequences of past mindless practices that have depleted the earth of its resources, depriving people of a healthier environment and wildlife of their natural habitat. If we are not involved in practices protecting the environment, fulfilling even basic needs will become extremely difficult. We need to learn the importance of the environment, conserve and protect the environment at all costs and take measures in making the earth a better and cleaner habitat for all while simultaneously growing sustainably in economics and every other aspect that affects human lives.


As we have studied above, the combined efforts of government policies and proper implementation of those policies by corporate and efforts on individual levels all together can bring sustainable growth for the nation while protecting the environment. More importantly, a critical focus is urgently required on protecting the environment as well as facilitating growth.

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