The architecture of Computers

This article will focus on the architecture of computers and will highlight the components of computers along with various different functions of Computers.


Computer fundamentals are a common topic in computer science and programming courses, and a working knowledge of the following topics is essential for anyone who works with computers. This article provides a quick introduction to computer hardware, memory/storage, storage types, input/output (I/O) devices, computers for specific purposes (e.g., embedded computers), networked systems, and operating systems.

What is a computer?

A computer is a programmable machine that processes information according to a set of instructions. In other words, computers can take an input and do something with it, like add two numbers together. Every computer has five basic parts: hardware, software, firmware, main memory (or RAM), and secondary storage (or disk storage).

A computer without any software installed to run on it is called “bare metal”. This refers to the hardware itself or the operating system depending on the context.

What is Architecture of Computers?

Architecture of computer is the design of the computer hardware and software in which both parts work together and give form to a machine.

The architecture of a computer is defined by the function that it performs, by how it is organised, by how users interact with the device for its intended use, and by how designers improve upon its capabilities to meet new demands.

How does Hardware Work?

When we talk about hardware, we think of the physical parts “underneath” everything else. More specifically, we think of the “stuff” inside a computer. It’s the power supplies, capacitors, and other electrical components that make up the guts of a computer. The hardware is usually thought of as permanent—the way a computer looks when it’s powered on and assembled by the manufacturer.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Although it might be expensive to design and build a whole new machine from scratch, you can use an existing commercial system as a starting point for your device. For example, you can make an adapter to connect old disk drives to your new operating system or a card-edge connector so old peripherals will work with the new machine. You can also design add-on hardware that sits in an expansion slot and lets you add new capabilities to existing systems. In some cases, all you’ll need is a power supply and a new circuit board to make the old stuff work in your new system.

Most hardware components are located inside the computer case—the outer, visible part of the computer.

What are the functions of a computer?

The main functions of a computer are:

(1) To provide a space for the programs to store and manipulate data;

(2) To process data according to some predefined rules;

(3) To respond to the user’s commands or requests.

The Computer hardware stores the data and performs in accordance with that data. Because of its complexity, computer hardware is multi dimensional.

It is therefore difficult for most people to understand it fully.  It can be divided into three basic sub sectors namely: “System Processor”, “Memory” and “Input/Output (I/O).”

Let us take a brief look at each of these sectors in more detail.

System Processor:

This is the main component of a computer. It performs all the arithmetic and logical operations on data passing through it. These operations may include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and shifting of data but normally done using the binary arithmetic “or” operator.  Processors are designed to be fast and have high data flow rates because they process large amounts of data in short amounts of time. This is one reason why computers have such fast operation; processor speeds exceed 20 million instructions per second in single core x86-based systems.


The memory is a medium which provides temporary storage to store data and instructions. It can store data temporarily and allow it to be accessed at any time.  This is the place where the information needed for processing by the processor is stored.  Two types of memory are usually used in a computer: Random access memory (RAM) and read only memory (ROM).  The RAM can be used for any purpose because its content can be modified and written into it as many times as you like, hence, the name: Random Access Memory.  However, ROM can only be read from, never written into or modified, hence its name: Read Only Memory.

Input/Output (I/O):

In computer architectures, input/output has much broader meaning than the I/O devices.  Here, I/O is the gateway between a computer and its environment.  Inputs are used to communicate data into the computer and outputs are used to send data out of it.  I/O devices are part of a system which enables communication between software applications on one hand and hardware on the other.  For example, if you want to use your computer as a communications terminal serving an Internet connection then you must have an interface between you and the modem which allows data to be sent from your end towards the modem for communication purposes.


The hardware is a part of the computer that is used for storing and processing data.

Hardware can be described as a multi-dimensional concept. The hardware components include: system processors, memories and input/output.  The system processor includes the central processing unit (CPU). The CPU is responsible for arithmetic and logical operations on data passing through it. The memory includes memory devices such as RAM or ROM, which are used for temporary storage to store data and instructions using the CPU.  I/O devices allow communication between programs and hardware on one hand, with your environment on the other hand. These can be internal or external storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD) etc.


Frequently asked questions

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How is the hardware stored?

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