
Are you interested to learn about units ? If yes, then read more to get clarity and understanding about units, production units, etc.

What are Units?

The system of units is also known as a decimal or metric system of units established in 1960. The system of units is periodically updated with developments every year. It is followed in almost every country such as the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. The SI units are preferred in most areas such as science, technology, industry and trade. Additionally, there are many systems of units that are established but they are preferred less and have minimal acceptance. 

What Are SI Base Units?

Base Units are a total of seven units that serve as base units. These units correspond to base physical quantities. The basic quantities are mentioned below. They are as follows:

  • Time 

  • Length 

  • Mass 

  • Electric current 

  • Thermodynamic Temperature 

  • Amount of substance  

  • Luminous intensity 

The base units for the physical quantities are as follows:

  • Time 

  • Meter = m 

  • Length = l 

  • Kilogram = kg 

  • Ampere = A [Electric Current]

  • Kelvin = K [Thermodynamic Temperature]

  • Mole = mol [Amount of substance]

  • Candela = cd [Luminous Intensity]

What Are SI Derived Units?

Derived units are the system that allows an unlimited number of additional units. The list of the SI derived units is mentioned below. It is as follows:

  • Katal 

  • Sievert 

  • Gray 

  • Becquerel 

  • Lux 

  • Lumen 

  • Celsius degree 

  • Henry 

  • Tesla 

  • Weber 

  • Siemens 

  • Ohm 

  • Farad 

  • Volt ‘

  • Coulomb 

  • Watt

  • Joule 

  • Pascal 

  • Newton 

  • Hertz 

  • Steradian 

  • Radian 

The derived units are always represented as products of the power of the base units. If the multiplier of the base units is one that unit is called a coherent derived unit. 

What Are The Production Units?

The production unit is a division of a production complex that differs from other areas due to organizational structure and consists of many technological areas and units that perform specific functions. Production units are the basic function of industrial companies. 

The production cost per unit can be calculated through the formula mentioned below:

Cost per Unit = (Fixed Costs + Variable Costs) / Number of Units

What Are The Primary Units?

Primary units are defined as the statistical record that does not depend upon any other quantities or derived calculations. The examples of the primary units are miles, tons, gallons, etc. 

What Are The Coherent Units? 

Derived units are defined as the products of powers of the base units. Additionally, the Coherent derived units are the products of powers of the base units that may include no numerical numbers or factors other than the digit 1. In clinical Chemistry Coherent Units are also known as substance concentration.


The SI system of units is widely used in many areas such as basic Science and Engineering, clinical Chemistry, etc. for various physical quantities. The unit system is preferred in many countries and is highly accepted. They are easy to use and can measure large quantities through easy calculations. There are other systems of units that have minimal acceptance as the SI system units are used by most people around the globe.