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A Brief Guide On Main Principles Of Bhakti Movement

Bhakti movement swept over India in the east and north since the 15th century. Initially, the movement originated around Shaivites and Vaishnavites. Later on, the movement took a new direction by evolving the devotion to God, i.e., Lord Krishna. The Bhakti saints, including Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Jaidev, Kabir, Ramanand, believed in the unity of God. 

The concept was only to propel the Indian society to devote their life for the sake of love, devotion, and equity. This aspect of tenacity and sheer devotion turned many minds to breaking people’s superstitious beliefs about the lower-caste category. Therefore, to provide a deep study of the revolution, the write-up will discuss the role, salient features and principles of the Bhakti movement. 

Role of Saints in the Bhakti movement 

The exponents of the Bhakti revolution took major reforms to urge people to walk on the path of love, devotion and sacrifices. All the prominent leaders played a significant role in the time of medieval India. Please read the description below to learn about their work and contribution. 

Ramanuja– Ramanuja proclaims the love for God to attain salvation. He approached the Indian society to bring unity in God and not differentiate any of them. Many people suggest that Ramanuja travelled from Chola to Mysore and established the Vaishnav group before their death. 

Chaitanya– Chaitanya took part in the Bhakti revolution in the early 15th century and led the foundation of Achintya Bheda Abheda. He used to enchant songs and poems for Lord Krishna, resulting in an uprising in Vaishnavism. 

Jaidev- Jaidev was a Sanskrit poet of the 12th century, famous for Gita Govinda’s poem. It describes the love of Lord Radha and Krishna. The poem mentions their long association, bonding, anger, and disappointment. The poet’s way of immortalizing love was praised by many, giving a new direction to the Bhakti. 

Kabir– Everyone knows about Sant Kabir Das and the heartwarming Dohas he has given to the world. The poet was a disciple of Guru Ramananda Ji, who guided Kabir on the path of devotion. They believe that God lives in one’s heart and not in any specific temple or mosque. He suggested uniting the Hindus and Muslims by uniting their lords. Although, his lessons greatly impacted the Indian society that still enchanted Kabir Chaura Varanasi. 

Guru Nanak– Guru Nanak was also the follower and promoter of universal brotherhood. He used to believe in the idea of One God and honesty. Nanak’s teachings emancipated his followers to break the social shackles and caste system of Indian society. 

Features of the Bhakti Movement 

The term “Bhakti” means “devotion”, which proposed the following features of the Bhakti movement in the early medieval period. 

  • One God with different names
  • The Bhakti saints derive Bhakti, devotion and love to be the only way to attain salvation
  • Repeating the actual name
  • An objection to blind faith, ceremonies, norms and rituals
  • The objection of worshipping idols by the exponents
  • An open conversation and thoughtfulness in taking decisions on religious matters
  • No differentiation between lower and higher category castes
  • The movement raised the need for Guru to guide the socio-religious movement
  • Surrendering oneself to take the path of salvation and reach God
  • Promotion of religious messages by moving from one place to another through several groups

The Principle of the Bhakti movement 

The principles and features of the Bhakti movement are interconnected. It also describes maintaining unity in society, which begins with worshipping God. Following are the principles of the Bhakti movement you need to know. 

  • A man should serve humanity to worship their God
  • Although, no religion is more prominent than humanity or humankind
  • The Bhakti movement defines worshiping the Lord as more important than performing ceremonies
  • People should give up all the caste system and superstitious beliefs regarding the lower caste and racism
  • All Gods are one; they exist in different physical forms but have the same souls, the only God is the one that lives in our hearts
  • Honesty and Truthfulness are of utmost importance
  • One that supports the truth reaches God
  • Universal brotherhood is of primary importance than disrespecting each other based on different religions and castes
  • The movement aimed at bringing equality by sharing their meals and kitchen, it led to a decrease in the negative impacts of the caste system
  • The followers of the Bhakti movement enchant many slogans and poems across different sections of society to remove caste discrimination


The Bhakti movement was propelled by an idea to introduce universal brotherhood and unity in God. Although, the Bhakti saints played a vital role in the revolution of medieval India. They brought necessary principles of the Bhakti movement that could convince many to urge on the path of devotion, love and tenacity. 

The exponents, including Kabir, Guru Nanak, Ramanuja, Chaitanya and Jaidev, promoted the idea of equality and unity among the different sections of society. Eventually, many religious groups came in their support and moved from one place to another, enchanting poems and songs to devote to God. Therefore, all the leaders and sub-groups played a significant role in improving the societal structure. 


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Who are the most critical Bhakti Saints?

Answer: The Bhakti movement was primarily dominated by the significant contributions of Guru Nanak, Kabir and Ramana...Read full

Who founded the socio-religious Bhakti movement?

Answer: The Saiva Nayanars and Vaishnava Alvars founded the Bhakti movement. Their efforts helped in the promotion o...Read full

What was the impact of the Bhakti movement?

Answer: Only one God exists. In God’s sight, everyone is comparable. God could only be found by love, dedicati...Read full

How did the term "Bhakti" originate?

Answer: The term Bhakti which means devotion, originated as a news of worshipping God. Earlier, in the post-Vedic er...Read full

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