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Write The SI Unit of Resistivity

Write the SI unit of resistivity. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank customized for students.

Resistivity refers to the resistance provided by the object length and the total area per unit at a specified or identified temperature of an object. In the resistivity, they measure the resistivity of material or metal by how much stronger it opposes the flow of current or temperature in the material.  It can also be defined as “The resistivity of the flow of current from starting point to the ending point, or from one point to another in a given material.” The resistivity is represented as p and through the direct proportional resistance and its length to the material. The inverse property area of a cross area section of a particular material is known as resistivity.

SI Unit Explained 

The SI unit is an international system of measuring the unit. It is also known as the measurement unit system. The SI unit is used for measuring various units or parameters. SI mass unit is measured in kilograms. Mass refers to the dimension of the quantity of material.

The formula is

P = RA / I. P- Resistivity R- the electric resistance of material measured in ohms. A- Refers to the cross-sectional area, which is measured in (m2) square meters. I-   The I refers to the length of the material measured in (m) meters The resistivity formula in terms of the magnitude of electric flow under a certain current density is-  p= E / J  Where p = resistivity            E = magnitude of electric field           J = magnitude of current density QUES: Find the resistivity of a metal resistance is 4, a cross-sectional area is 0.2 m, and length is 0.5 m, respectively. R= 4 ohm, I= 0.5, A= 0.2 Now, put the resistivity formula, P= RA / I. By putting the value we get, p = 4 * 0.2/ 0.5 = 1.6 Hence the resistivity value is 1.6 ohm.