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Write The Dimensional Formula of Pressure

Write the dimensional formula of pressure. Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

The dimensional formula of pressure is M1 L-1 T-2.

Derivation of the formula:

Pressure is equal to the force per unit area.

P = F/A 

Force is equal to acceleration in Mass

Acceleration is equal to Velocity per unit of Time.

i.e., =  [L T-1] [T-1

= [L T-2].

So the dimensions for force is  [M] [L T-2

F = M¹ T-2.

Where M = Mass, L = Length, and T = Time.

The dimensional formula for area is M0 L2 T0.

By substituting the dimensions of force and area in Pressure formula we get: 

P =  [M¹ T-2] x [M0 L2 T0]-1

P =  [M¹ T-2] x [L² ]-1

P =  M¹ L-1 T-2.

Hence, the dimensions of pressure is  L-1 T-2.