Question & Answer » Physics Questions » Why transformer rating is in kVA not in kW?

Why transformer rating is in kVA not in kW?

Why transformer rating is in kVA not in kW? - Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for learners.

Answer: kVA – Kilovolt – ampere

kW – Kilowatt

A transformer does not alter the power or frequency value; it simply moves power from one circuit to another. In other words, it can only change the current and voltage values while keeping the power and frequency constant.

The losses that occur in transformers are independent of power factor, which is why they are rated in  kVA.

The apparent power unit is kVA. Reactive and actual power are combined in it. Transformers are made without taking into account the associated load. 

It may be unclear what kind of load is being connected if the transformer is rated in  kW.

Therefore, transformer rated in kW.