Question & Answer » Physics Questions » What is the Importance of the Universal Law of Gravitation?

What is the Importance of the Universal Law of Gravitation?

Answer : The universal law of gravitation plays a major role in physics. The universal law of gravitation demonstrates the movement of the planets around the sun. 

  1. It is used to demonstrate the moon’s movement and satellites around the earth. 

  2. It describes how all the planets are rotating in their orbit by balancing. 

  3. According to this law, all the bodies in the universe are influenced by the gravitational force of other bodies. Due to this, they operate in their orbit. 

  4. This law is also important for demonstrating the various natural phenomena like rainfall and snowfall. It also explains why water from the rivers is always in the downward direction. Along with this, it also demonstrates why rivers flow continuously in the forward direction.