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What do you mean by Free Fall

What do you mean by free fall? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

Answer : When a body moves only because of the earth’s gravity, this is called free fall.Since an outside force is acting on the ball, it will move faster. Acceleration due to gravity is another name for this speeding up.

Free falling means that an object is falling only because of gravity. When something is in free fall, only the force of gravity affects it.

When things fall freely, there are two important things to know about how they move:

  • Things that are free to fall don’t stop in the air.
  • Things that fall on earth move at a rate of 9.8 metres per second per second.

No matter how heavy an object is, its acceleration during free fall in a vacuum will be approximately 9.8 metres per second anywhere near the surface of the earth. An object that is dropped will, over time due to air resistance, eventually reach its terminal velocity, which for a human skydiver is approximately 53 metres per second (190 kilometres per hour or 118 miles per hour).

Because of the earth’s gravity, everything moves toward its centre. When something is dropped from a certain height, it starts to fall toward the Earth’s surface because of the force of gravity. When something moves like this, it is said to be in “free fall.”

Free Fall Examples

  • A stone dropping into an empty well
  • The way the ball is thrown makes it fly.
  • A spaceship that stays in the same place in space.
  • Falling fruits from tree
  • Bungee Jumping
  • Objects in space that are falling towards earth