Question & Answer » Physics Questions » What are the different layers of the atmosphere?

What are the different layers of the atmosphere?

Answer: The layers of the Earth’s atmosphere are split into five categories:

  1. Troposphere: It is the Earth’s lowest layer of atmosphere. The troposphere begins at the earth’s surface and rises to a height of 7 to 20 kilometres.
  2. Stratosphere: Above the troposphere, the second layer of the atmosphere. It reaches a height of 50 kilometres.
  3. Mesosphere: Above the stratosphere is the Mesosphere. The mesosphere begins at 50 kilometres above the Earth’s surface and extends to 85 kilometres.
  4. Thermosphere: From 80 to 400 kilometres above Mesopause, this layer may be found.
  5. Exosphere: It is the atmosphere’s outermost layer. It spans 10,000 kilometres from the top of the thermosphere to the bottom.