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What are the 5 characteristics of light?

What are the characteristics of light? Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for learners.

Answer: Light is the source of energy that provides us with the sensation of seeing. The object has been broadly classified as luminous (emitting light) or non-luminous (non-light emitting). The luminous objects have been classified further based on the source and mode of light emission. Electric discharges include internal combustion engine spark plugs, lightning, fluorescent lamps, mercury-vapor lamps, sodium-vapor lamps, and so on.

The characteristics of light are as follows –

  • Light travels in a straight line.
  • An electromagnetic wave is light.
  • Light can also travel through the vacuum.
  • Light travels without a medium since it is a transverse wave.
  • It moves through the vacuum at a speed of 3×108 m/s.
  • When a light goes between different mediums, its wavelength (λ) alters.
  • In the universe, light moves the fastest.
  • When an opaque item blocks the light source, a shadow is cast.