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Total Number of Longitudes

The total number of longitudes are (1) 360 (2) 180 (3) 90- Find the answer to this question and access a vast question bank that is customized for students.

The total number of longitudes are 

(1) 360 

(2) 180 

(3) 90

Explanation of the present question is down below.

Due to the fact that the Earth is spherical in shape, it can be challenging to define where one is located on the planet in relation to other locations. A series of fictitious lines are drawn around the surface of the globe, traveling in a clockwise direction from east to west and north to south. Latitudes are conceptualized as imaginary horizontal and parallel lines that traverse the globe from east to west. Longitudes are defined as horizontal lines that run from north to south.

Longitudes are defined as lines that travel from one pole to the other. These lines of longitude, which also go by the name Meridian, crisscross the equator at 90-degree angles. When we start going further away from the equator, the distance between the longitude lines decreases; this is because they are at their furthest point apart at the equator. The distance between any two lines of longitude is equal to zero at the poles, where they all converge.

There are a total of 360 degrees of longitude, and the line of longitude that corresponds to 0 degrees is called the Prime Meridian. This line of longitude runs through Greenwich, which is located in England. The Prime Meridian separates the Eastern Hemisphere from the Western Hemisphere, which may be found on either side of the Meridian. The angular distance that a location lies east or west of the Prime Meridian is referred to as its longitude.

Therefore, the correct choice is alternative (1). 360.